Archives for health

7 Essential Vaccines that Help Protect Your Senior

 According to the Center for Disease Control, about 1 million people contract Shingles every year – with 60 percent of those being age 60 years and older. Of all of the seniors who develop flu-like symptoms each year, about 65 percent are hospitalized as a result. Combined, both pneumonia and the flu together are rated the 7th leading cause of death among Americans age 65 and older. The risk of older loved ones suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease due to influenza is 20 percent higher without vaccination, in addition to a 50 percent greater likelihood of loss of life.
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Apps That Help Seniors Communicate with Family

Applications (apps) have already begun to change the way the world works, thinks and communicates. Today, there’s an app for just about anything you can think of. And the future of technology sees desktop computing being slowly uprooted by apps that provide users with the capability to access everything they need right from their smart phones or tablets. But how are older Americans fitting into a market that is constantly evolving, and one that is catering to users who are presumably more technologically savvy? Freedom Home Care sees more apps being created in stripped down, simplified format to accommodate the
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Yoga Benefits for Seniors

Alternative therapy is important, especially for seniors; however, when most seniors think of Yoga, “oiling the joints” is probably one of the last things that comes to mind. But that’s how 91-year-old Bernice Bates describes an ancient Indian tradition that has been around since at least the Stone Ages. Since the beginning, Yoga has been utilized to help improve the human condition, while incorporating a meditative and spiritual core – principles that still remain intact today. There are numerous benefits to practicing Yoga, like healing aches and pains, increasing blood flow, boosting immunity, and improving overall health. Bates has been
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Alzheimer’s and Stroke Rehabilitation Patients Benefit from Music Therapy

No one really knows how the brain and body process music. It’s a phenomenon that has remained a mystery for many years. But what doctors have discovered is that music is processed on many levels and with almost every part of our brain. Music therapy is a ritual that was used thousands of year ago when its healing affects were thought to positively influence health and behavior. After the war, musicians would travel around the country to hospitals playing music for veterans who suffered from war trauma. Doctors recognized a noticeable physical and emotional response to the music from their
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How to be Prepared for in Home Emergencies

When loved ones begin to age, the risks for in-home injuries begin to rise. However, preparing for the unexpected before it actually happens may help decrease that number and save the day. Home fall related injuries are at an all-time high, affecting about 2.5 million older folks per year. About 1 in every 3 people aged 65 and older will fall, and only about half of those individuals will actually tell a doctor about it. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a health related emergency, as well as ways to make your home as safe as
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Tips to Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the joints. The result is joint inflammation, pain, and swelling primarily in the hands and feet. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can also affect organs like the skin, eyes, lungs and blood vessels. Left untreated, RA can cause damage and loss of cartilage. Joints become lose and painful, resulting in deformity. Surprisingly, each person with the disease is affected differently. Oftentimes, Rheumatoid arthritis patients experience episodes of pain and inflammation, seemingly out of nowhere, leaving them wondering how to better manage RA flares. Because doctors have no way of preventing flare ups,
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Stay Healthy This Fall Season

As the leaves begin to turn vibrant colors and the evenings get shorter, it’s easy to feel that Fall chill in the air. Every year as the season changes and the temperature drops, it can be easy to fall into habits that can leave you susceptible to illness. Here at Freedom Home Care we have compiled a list of a few tips that can keep you healthy this fall season.       Take Care of Yourself Far too many of us aren’t maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s staying on top of your diet or finding time to exercise, it is important
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Exercise and Physical Activity Have Similar Positive Effects in Seniors

As we get older, our bodies still require movement, whether we like it or not. There are plenty of ways exercise and participate in physical activity that will help improve our health and livelihood, especially for seniors. Surprisingly, there are differences between exercise and physical activity. Knowing what those differences are and how each can benefit your health can help people over the age of 60 maximize their potential when it comes to staying active. Physical activity can include things like walking, jogging, biking, hiking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries or gardening. Exercise is considered to be a specifically planned, structured, and repetitive
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Need exercise? Put on your dancing shoes!

For some seniors, certain types of exercise can be just too much. Jogging and high-impact aerobics are too strenuous, and other types of workouts might require special equipment or gym memberships that don’t fit into a tight budget. how to get ex back Therefore, some seniors might want to consider filling up their dance card. It can be a great way to stay fit and healthy. More over, dancing can be a fun way to socialize with others. According to an article published by and written by Maggie McCormick, dancing has plenty of benefits. Here are just a few
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Study shows benefits of brisk walks for stroke survivors

This Sunday at 2:00 a.m., American will set their clocks forward, serving as a reminder that spring is on its way. And with warmer weather right around the corner, taking in the outdoors will be so much easier. According to a recent study, taking brisk walks can be incredibly beneficial for those who have suffered from a stroke. It can “improve their physical fitness, enjoy a better quality of life, and increase their mobility,” say the editors of The study was carried out in Jamaica at the University of the West Indies. More than 120 stroke survivors participated with
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