Archives for Freedom Home Care

Understanding weight loss in older individuals

Weight loss in the older population is a common issue. As functions in the body begin to slow down – alongside activity levels – appetite also decreases. This, of course, is a simplistic explanation of why some of the aging individuals in our lives may look skinnier and skinnier as years pass. To truly understand weight loss later in life, however, a website dedicated to healthy living, laid out the changes that take place in the body from a medical standpoint. As most know, the human body is composed primarily of bone tissue, lean muscle and organ tissue, fat tissue,
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Helpful advice from the CDC on stroke prevention

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, strokes are a leading cause of death in the United States. Approximately 130,000 Americans die each year because of strokes, which accounts for 1 of every 18 deaths. The CDC goes on to explain that “every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. One in four are recurrent strokes.” Despite the numbers, however, there are many ways to prevent strokes from happening. Here are a few recommendations from the CDC to lower your risk for stroke: Eat a healthy diet. Choosing healthful meal
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Thinking outside of the (shoe) box for Alzheimer’s patients

Whenever the folks here at Freedom Home Care go scouting for information that we feel will be helpful to our patients and their families, there’s always that moment when we stumble upon an article that could be considered news of the weird. And today was no exception. Especially so when we learned that shoe developers have designed a pair of sneakers that have been outfitted with a built-in tracking device to locate Alzheimer's patients. “It's very common for people who have dementia to wander off on their own,” say the editors at CBS News Online. “When that happens, frantic family
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Tips to care for your dentures

Oral care is something that all individuals must pay important attention to, regardless of age. As we get older, however, the way in which we take care of our teeth and gums will inevitably change. So is especially the case for many seniors with dentures. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, “It is important to clean your mouth and denture daily so your mouth will stay healthy. Soaking dentures in water or a denture cleaner is not enough. They must be brushed with a soft toothbrush or with a toothbrush made especially for dentures.” But there’s, of course,
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Tapping into the senior tech trend

In the past, tech-savvy wasn’t necessarily a descriptor attached to those in the 65-plus age group. That term was reserved for the younger generations who were delving into the latest and greatest online tools. That is, until now. As we here at Freedom Home Care have mentioned in previous blogs, older Americans are taking the Internet for a test drive, and what they’re finding is that it’s an incredibly valuable way to stay in touch with family members and friends – and the entire world around them. For seniors who haven’t already hopped on the World Wide Web express, there
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FHC takes a moment for Mental Illness Awareness Week

This week, between Oct. 7 and Oct. 13, marks a time for all of us to increase our understanding and sensitivity for those suffering from mental illness. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Mental Illness Awareness Week was established in 1990 by the U.S. Congress. It was set in place to recognize the efforts that the NAMI places on mental health advocacy. Mental Illness Awareness Week
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Spotlight on conditions similar to rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammation of joints and surrounding tissues, is a common condition that many elderly suffer from. Unfortunately, there are many conditions that exhibit similar symptoms to RA, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Therefore, it’s important to seek a doctor’s advice before making assumptions. According to, knowing the similarities and differences of these conditions can be beneficial in ensuring that the proper treatment is delivered. The website, which aims to empower millions of people to improve and take control of their health and well-being, pinpointed seven conditions that are sometimes mistaken for RA. The editors there went
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Consider a sundae this Sunday for your aging loved one

Often times, we here at Freedom Home Care focus our blogging efforts on ways for elderly individuals to stay safe and healthy while living at home. A lot can change as we grow older, and with that change comes the need to adopt new habits. Adjustments to diet and nutrition might not have to come with quite as many sacrifices, however, as far as frail elderly are concerned. According to, “there is a misperception that frail elderly peo diflucan ple should adhere to the same low-fat, low-calorie diet that is recommended for the general population.” Dr. Amy Ehrlich, associate
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Taking advantage of Medicare – in the here and now

After last night’s presidential debate, it’s clear to see that the future health care of America’s senior population is at a crossroads. Despite the uncertainty, we here at Freedom Home Care have decided to focus today’s blog post on the here and now. adobe acrobat download Although some may see flaws in the current system, there are many benefits for elderly individuals to take advantage of. And cheap flagyl so is especially the case, considering the number of Medicare beneficiaries that able to receive annual flu vaccinations. Medicare is taking concerted efforts to limit the spread of the annual flu
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Four potential home modifications for getting around in a wheelchair

For many aging individuals living alone, a wheelchair can serve as a safe way to get around the house. Loss of balance and strength are common signs of aging, and therefore, a wheelchair will often become a necessary purchase at some point in time. Unfortunately, bathroom doors are rarely wide enough for a wheelchair or even a walker to pass through. To accommodate the aging loved one’s in our lives, made a few suggestions as to how to offer increased access into narrow passages, specifically for those to the bathroom or bedroom. Here are the four tips from
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