Archives for Freedom Home Care

Best Tablets For Seniors

The popularity of laptops and tablets have increased over the past few years. Tablets have become particularly beneficial not only because of their maneuverability and ease of use, but because they provide a better overall user experience than a smartphone or traditional PC. For seniors, a tablet offers a wide screen that can be adjusted for better viewing, as well as Bluetooth for greater sound. They’re usually lighter than a laptop and can be carried along wherever your senior goes. In addition to their tangible attributes, tablets allow older users to easily access health records and medical information, while staying
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Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Agency

  Enlisting the help of others to help care for your senior can be a daunting process. And if you opt for more personalized care that meets your loved one’s daily needs, helps them retain a sense of independence, and allows them to remain in a familiar environment, in-home care may be the choice for you. There a number of things to consider when searching for a home health care provider – like if the agency is licensed and reputable, if the caregivers are trained and qualified, and what has their track record for care been in the past. After
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Spring Activities for Seniors

Help Get Seniors Active This Spring Cold weather temperatures have kept many seniors confined to their apartments or homes this winter. We all know how important it is for older loved ones to take the proper precautions when traveling, especially when the potential for slips and falls is the greatest on icy sidewalks and roads. But now that spring has sprung and warmer temperatures abound, it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the fresh air and sunshine that comes along with more favorable outdoor conditions even if you are already taking advantage of alternative therapy options. Here are a
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Spring Cleaning Tips for You and Your Senior

With spring comes budding trees and plants, blooming flowers and changing temperatures. It’s also a time when people begin to organize and de-clutter clutter the space around them. What you may not consider is how much caring for your senior involves a routine spring cleaning of their apartments or home in order to help them stay organized, as well. Oftentimes old photographs, papers and mementos have a habit of accumulating and collecting dust in the basement or attic. But before you begin the process of straightening and systematizing the memories of your loved one, it might be good to sit
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Exercises Beneficial To Relieving Arthritis Symptoms

  There are a number of ways that a tailored exercise program can help relieve the pain and fatigue of arthritis and preserve joint structure and function, in the process. Incidentally, the term arthritis describes more than 100 rheumatic diseases and related conditions that cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints and connective tissues. Freedom Home Care has found that over 50 million adults suffer from some form of the disease, with the most common type being osteoarthritis. Treatment usually involves medication to help alleviate pain and discomfort, which may be a simpler alternative when dealing with the symptoms of arthritis.
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Bucking the trend that memory loss is a part of aging

If someone told you that memory loss wasn’t a normal part of aging, you’d probably think that they were full of bologna. The reality, however, is that while memory loss might not technically be a normal part of growing old, it is a common side effect. And that’s because many adults have spent a lifetime of not getting enough sleep or exercise. Stress and unhealthy diets just compound the problem. In the following video, Dr. Mark Hyman says that memory loss is not only avoidable, but it’s also reversible. The editors of the UltraWellness YouTube Channel explain that the video
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Keep allergies at bay before the spring season arrives

In a recent article published by US News, editors explained that it’s easier to prevent allergic symptoms before they arrive. The task will be incredibly more successful than trying to stop them once they’re in full swing. In addition to taking medication designed to relieve allergy’s side effects, the editors suggested the following measures: Limiting outdoor activities when pollen counts are high. Leaving windows closed at home or in the car to keep pollen out. online Installing and using your air conditioner early, to filter the outside air that comes into your home. Washing your hair after being outside. Avoiding
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Three steps to “catch yourself” before falling

The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California is one of the top authorities on falls in the elderly population. The group spends their efforts helping those at risk to avoid falls of any kind. Therefore, they target those who are suffering from muscle weakness, arthritis, a history of falling, depression, difficulty balancing or walking, difficulty thinking or vision problems as well as those who take multiple medications. According to the group’s “Catch Yourself: Simple Steps to Prevent Falls” brochure, the following suggestions should help you or aging loved ones stay on their own two feet:
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10 supplements to consider to improve eye health

Last month, the folks here at Freedom Home Care dedicated a few blogs to macular degeneration, a vision condition that affects more than 15 million Americans. We explained what the condition entails and methods to slow its progress and we offered a video that helps sufferers measure the degree of severity that they’re experiencing. To continue on the theme of healthy vision, we tracked down 10 effective nutritional supplements that have the potential to improve eyesight. The following list comes from the editors at 1. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is required in large doses to ensure proper functioning of the
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10 great reasons to put on the teakettle

Not too long ago, the folks here at Freedom Home Care read a blog about some of the benefits of drinking coffee. For some odd reason, coffee seems to be a guilty pleasure, so it was great to hear about all of its heart-friendly attributes. Tea, on the other hand, has always been touted as the more sophisticated drink of choice. Perhaps it’s the way the Brits delicately drink it with their pinky finger pointing out or perhaps it has something to do with its ancient roots. Either way, we thought that we would dedicate a few blogs to what
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