Archives for Freedom Home Care

Is Laughter the Best Medicine?

Who knew that a good laugh was a lot like a moderate workout? Well, according to psychologist and laugh therapist, Steve Wilson, MA, CSP we change our physiological state when we laugh. Our muscles stretch, the pulse and blood pressure go up, breathing increases sending more oxygen to the tissues. Wilson says when you combine laughter and movement it boosts the heart rate. And researchers say that 10-15 minutes of laughter can burn almost 50 calories. Other ways that laughter can be beneficial to the health of your older loved one is that it helps boost the immune system.  A
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Winter Safety Tips for Seniors

Slips, trips and falls become even more common for seniors during the winter months. But problems associated with balance and mobility aren’t the only dangers that older loved ones face when the temperature drops. With everything from emotional issues to physical risks – family members should take care to ensure the health and safety of their senior loved ones by taking some extra precautions this holiday season. Below are a several things FHC came up with that could help make the winter months a joyful and risk-free time for your family. Hypothermia is a dangerous condition that is the result
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Top Gifts for Seniors

Still trying to decide what to get your senior loved one for Christmas this holiday season? Well, you’re not alone. Because we realize that it can sometimes seem like an impossible task to shop for a person who has everything, FHC came up with a few creative gift ideas that are sure to make the yuletide gay this holiday. For the senior who no longer has full use of their hands, wrist, and fingers due to arthritis, the Hickies No Tie Lacing System is the perfect gift. Your loved one never has to worry about the cumbersome and sometimes uncomfortable
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Those with Chronic Pain are Turning to Alternative Therapy

  Pain is a major issue for many people in this country. One in five people experience chronic pain on a regular basis, while more than 54 percent of adults in the U.S. suffer from arthritis, lower back pain, sciatica and other musculoskeletal” pain disorders. When an injury occurs, the body sends a message to the nervous system signaling that something is wrong. This is called acute pain. With chronic pain, a patient may have suffered from arthritis, a sprained back or ear infection in the past, but the body still continues to send signals that something is wrong –
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How to Find Newborn Care You Can Trust

Finding the right person to care for your baby while you’re away, is probably one of the hardest things that a parent has to do. You worry about whether the person will meet your baby’s needs. Will this person provide your baby with enough attention? Is he/she in a safe environment? What is the person’s hygiene habits? Will your baby be left alone at all? Does this person have enough experience? Are they trustworthy? How will your baby be treated? There are a myriad of questions that new parents ask themselves when it comes to the person who is tasked
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Dealing with Anxiety in Seniors

Anxiety currently affects about million people in the United States and is said to be the most common mental illness that we face. It often causes its victims to experience trouble eating, sleeping and concentrating and may also manifest in the form of depression or panic attacks. But as common as anxiety is, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, only one-third of people who develop the disorder are actually diagnosed and treated. What those of here at FHC have noticed over the years, is how likely anxiety is to occur later in life. In fact, roughly 10
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How Home Care Can Reduce Hospital Admissions

It seems the growing problem of hospital readmissions has become a national endemic. Prior to 2013, the rate of readmission in the United States was almost 20 percent – one in nine patients returned to the hospital room within one month of being discharged. After 2013, with the implementation of a payment reduction program by The Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), the overall figures have dropped to about 18 percent. But, these statistics for Medicare patients are still higher than expected in 2016. One in five seniors are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of discharge, adding up
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Planning Ahead for Your Senior's Transitional Care

Sometimes it may not be possible to plan for follow-up care when your senior leaves the hospital. Accidents and sudden trips to the ER often leave patients and their families confused and overwhelmed – and the last thing you want worry about is not having the right services in place once your loved one has been sent home. Whether you’ve decided which in-home care services your senior will need in advance or have just recently begun to explore your options, transitional care is an important part of a successful recovery. Your senior may have had to deal with a traumatic
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Activities for Homebound Seniors

Just because your senior parent or relative is not able to get around as much as they used to, doesn’t mean they have to forgo doing some of things they love to do. As we age, physical and mental activity becomes paramount to a long, healthy life. Today, homebound seniors are not limited to playing bridge and doing crossword puzzles all day. There are numerous ideas and activities that your loved can take advantage of and Freedom Home Care has come up with some unique ideas to keep your senior in balance – mind, body and spirit. Health & Wellness
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Join Us for the Upcoming Backyard Bash at Highland Park Senior Center – August 12th

Since 1976, the Highland Park Senior Center has been servicing the needs of seniors of the Highland Park community. Built in 1929, the renovated facility was dedicated as the center’s location by General Robert E. Wood, providing recreational, cultural, educational, health and counseling services for seniors, while advocating their overall well-being. A division of the city of Highland Park, the Highland Park Senior Center provides important services that include housing and transportation, crisis intervention, counseling and advice,support groups, home and hospital visits and referrals for Chicago caregiver services. It also offers activities and entertainment likeaerobics, educational lectures, luncheons, and social
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