Archives for Chicago In-Home Care

Why Do My Allergies Change As I do?

Why we outgrow allergies is a phenomenon that continues to baffle researchers today. The fact is, we know more about what causes allergies in people, than we do about why they come and go over time. But by examining different types of allergies and their causes, researchers could gain more insight into other ways to treat or even combat them. Because as many as 50 million people in the U.S. experience allergies or allergy symptoms, Freedom Home Care thought it was important to understand as much as possible about what doctors call the “6th leading cause of chronic illness” in
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"Senior-Proofing" Keeps the Elderly Safe at Home

With more and more Baby Boomers approaching their Golden Years, the number of seniors choosing to age-in-place is growing year after year. So, it becomes increasingly more important for elderly loved ones and their family members to raise the level of safety when it comes to living alone. Cost effectiveness and practicality are just a few things to keep in mind when considering what upgrades need to be made to senior-proof your home. Freedom Home Care offers some additional tips below on how to make your loved one’s home safer and more comfortable for the long haul.   Identify Potential
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Mindful Breathing Keeps the Mind Young and Healthy

One of the simplest and most important exercises that you could possibly do is one you probably think the least about – breathing. More specifically, it’s mindful breathing. Mindful breathing is the practice of managing stress, anger and anxiety. Stress is triggered in the nervous system where it causes the fight or flight response. This happens when the body perceives a threat and reacts by releasing hormones that create physiological changes like escalated heart rate, muscle tone and blood pressure – a reaction that’s only beneficial when we’re under duress or need to act quickly. Fight or flight is meant
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Brain Cells Keep Growing Well Into Our 70's

You’ve probably heard the old saying that we somehow “lose brain cells” as we age? Well, according to researchers, that’s only part of the story. New studies show that adults can continue to create neurons even in old age. Neurons are simply nerve cells that transport information from one part of the body to the other. There are roughly 86 billion neurons in the human brain. From birth, our bodies create about 250,000 brain cells a minute in order to reach that number. Seniors have the ability to make about 700 hippocampal new neurons every day. That’s encouraging news because
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Ways Animals Benefit The Elderly

Pets seem to add an extra something special to our lives. Sometimes it’s difficult to describe all the ways they actually benefit us. So, in case you or your senior were considering a pet, Freedom Home Care offers some pretty good reasons why pet ownership might be right for you. According to research, pets help increase social interaction, lower blood pressure and reduce stress. They have also been enlisted as therapy animals for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. They Help Ward Off Loneliness Even if they’re receiving caregiver services from a home care agency you trust, many older loved ones often
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Pioneering Exercise Program and Its Benefits

Scientists are constantly looking for ways to help enhance the lives of our nation’s elderly population. This is essential, as the number of seniors age 65 and older has reached more than 50 million as of 2016 and is on track to increase by as much as 30 million in the next three decades, according to And one of the ways researchers are doing this is by developing a ground-breaking program that fosters physical and cognitive growth in older loved ones, while catering to the capabilities of the person as an individual. UPV/EHU Ageing-On research group’s program focuses on
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Choosing Between Assisted Living and Home Care

One in seven people in the U.S. is 65 or older. By the year 2035, experts say that number will jump to one in seven. And an estimated one in three people will be considered head of household. At some point, many seniors will need some form of in-home or assisted living care. This presents a challenge for not only family members residing with older loved ones, but also for the seniors themselves. With more than 31 million people predicted to be living with a disability over the next 20 years, families will need to begin making choices now in
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What You Need to Know About Long Distance Caregiving

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. And in terms of helping out a family member or friend in need, distance can also make caregiving seem more difficult. In a perfect world, we’d be able to instantly be there for a loved one in their time of need. However, location, work, finances, and a number of other factors can often prevent that from happening. The good news? There’s still so much you can do from far away. If you’re new to long distance caregiving, we’re sharing our insights into how you can best support your loved one even from a distance.
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How To Thank A Caregiver

When you think about all the things a caregiver does, it can be overwhelming—an ordinary thank you card doesn’t seem to do them justice. The very definition of a caregiver is someone that is constantly “doing for others,” but that doesn’t mean they don’t need something special for themselves every now and then. This month, with National Caregivers Day on February 16, give your caregiver a little extra love. If you’re unsure of how exactly to say “Thank You,” here are a few ways to give back:   Deliver A Handwritten Note Expressing your gratitude does not have to be
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Caregiving is Not Just for Women

Most of the time when we think of a caregiver, we imagine a woman in her late 50s or 60s taking care of a parent or spouse who has mobility issues, a medical condition or serious illness. But today, there are a surprising number of men who have taken on the role as caregiver. It’s becoming more common to see a 47-year-old male caring for his 68-year-old female relative with a long-term physical condition, according to the  In fact, 40 percent of Americans caring for another friend or family member are male. With so many men taking on a “traditional female role” why is this phenomenon still
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