Archives for caregiver

Freedom Home Care to sponsor First Class Care training program

Freedom Home Care is happy to announce that it will sponsor First Class Care’s in-house training program, the First Class Care Academy. First Class Care, a full-service domestic placement agency in Illinois, helps families throughout the state find top-notch nannies, newborn care specialists, babysitters, housekeepers, personal assistants, house managers and chefs. The First Class Care Academy covers a wide variety of professional development courses, enabling individuals to take their service careers to the next level. The year-long sponsorship perfectly aligns with Freedom Home Care’s core strengths, which lie in providing quality care to those in need. Freedom Home Care has
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Tapping into the senior tech trend

In the past, tech-savvy wasn’t necessarily a descriptor attached to those in the 65-plus age group. That term was reserved for the younger generations who were delving into the latest and greatest online tools. That is, until now. As we here at Freedom Home Care have mentioned in previous blogs, older Americans are taking the Internet for a test drive, and what they’re finding is that it’s an incredibly valuable way to stay in touch with family members and friends – and the entire world around them. For seniors who haven’t already hopped on the World Wide Web express, there
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How to be at ease with a new in-home caregiver

Family members will often take on the added responsibility of taking care of an aging loved so as to not bring a caregiver into the home. Often the burden can be too great, but because of apprehension surrounding potential in-home care candidates, family members feel that they do not have any other choice. essay writing By understanding the demographics of the caregiver community, however, and by knowing the high level of standards placed on Freedom Home Care during the hiring process, we hope to diminish some of those uncertainties. As we here at Freedom Home Care have explained in past
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Laughter does the body (and brain) good

Memory loss is a common side effect of aging. As our bodies (and brains) grow older, it becomes more and more difficult to remember where we put our car keys or when we were supposed to water the plants. In the following video, posted on the official AARP YouTube channel, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist and animator Walt Handelsman puts a lighthearted spin on the forgetfulness that most of us will experience later in life. In fact, the old saying “laughter is the best medicine,” actually holds true when it comes to improving our memories. “Unlike emotional responses, which are limited
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Sharing stories of caregiving excellence

We here at Freedom Home Care frequent the AARP website on a regular basis. We’ve found that it’s a great resource for anyone over the age of 50. Whether it be for health-related concerns, retirement questions or even travel recommendations, the folks at AARP have us covered. Today, while we were perusing the site, we stumbled on a call-to-action that piqued our attention. AARP places a lot of importance on the caregivers in our aging loved ones’ lives and have asked that visitors to the site share their personal stories about those integral people. “If you have a story that you
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What is a geriatrician and how do I know if one is needed?

For senior citizens or anyone caring for an older individual, many of the signs of aging can be quite obvious. The ways to deal with those signs, however, might not be as clear. Whether it be depression, incontinence, arthritis or an increase in falls, a common question is whether the long-time family doctor has the necessary experience to provide proper care and advice. At some point in time, a visit to a geriatrician may be a good idea. But what is a geriatrician and how do I know if it’s worth it to add another doctor to the mix? According
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Alzheimer’s – 10 ways to detect it on its onset

In a recent blog post here at Freedom Home Care we reported that more than 5 million Americans age 65 and older are thought to have Alzheimer’s disease and that one person in the United States is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease approximately every 69 seconds. The numbers are staggering, but the forms of treatment are growing and improving every day. An early diagnosis will allow patients to have a say when it comes to decisions about care, transportation, living options, and financial and legal matters. Therefore, it’s important to look for early warning signs. Although Alzheimer’s usually begins after the age
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Combating old age from the inside out

As individuals get older, retire and settle into their later years, there are a lot of positive changes to embrace. Free time is opened up to spend with loved ones and to devote to hobbies that were always put on the backburner. In that same breath, however, there are also changes that happen in old age that might not be as welcomed. The aging process can bring about wrinkles and gray hair, and although these changes are expected, old age can also usher in other harder-to-spot changes. Just as wrinkle cream and hair dye can improve what happens to the
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Asking the right questions regarding in-home care

Communication is truly the key to a successful in-home-care environment. As we mentioned in yesterday’s post, developing a plan before the need arises can ease the stress involved with transitioning into one’s twilight years. Therefore, creating an open forum for discussion within the family is essential when it comes to the specifics of everyday care. According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, the first step in exploring care options is identifying what is most important to your aging loved one. “Projecting into the future is difficult, but it is important to educate yourself about choices and communicate how you feel about
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Creating a twilight plan

Although planning for our twilight years should be on the top of our list of priorities, often times it’s not. For starters, most of us don’t want to think about getting old and potentially needing assistance. Compounding that is the fact that many individuals don’t even know where to start. One way to bring twilight planning to the top of the list is with the help of the National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information website. Founded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the website provides information and resources to help a family or an individual plan for future
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