2 of 4: The signs of aging, a four-part series

Mary Ann Evans, better known by her pen name, George Eliot, said, “Old men's eyes are like old men's memories; they are strongest for things a long way off.” Evens, a leading Victorian journalist and author, delivered a touching sentiment about old age with her statement; it is one that speaks to the changes that take place in one’s twilight years. According to the National Institute of Health, there are eight areas of change associated with aging. And in an effort to disseminate the information surrounding these areas of change, we here at Freedom Home Care are delivering the message
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1 of 4: The signs of aging, a four-part series

As adults get older, the signs of aging begin to emerge. And being prepared for those changes is half the battle. To be prepared, older individuals and their family members can educate themselves as to what those signs are and what they entail. Knowing what to expect is most certainly one of the healthiest and smartest approaches to getting older. According to the National Institute of Health, there are eight areas of age-related change to be familiar with. For today’s purposes, let’s hone in on the top two, which are, coincidently, the most well-known. 1. Brain: Memory and Alzheimer's Disease The
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Are Your Foods Super? My top “superfood” selections

Long ago, I learned that we really are what we eat and that the fuel we use for our bodies should possess the utmost quality and highest standards.  To that end, it has been my mission to consume the best foods for my body and assist my family, friends and clients to do the same.  Here are my top picks for feeling your best with the help of the most effective superfoods available in markets today. Wheatgrass Wheatgrass is immensely nutritious and full of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.  Its juice has a high concentration of chlorophyll, which has purification
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How do I talk to my loved one about bringing a caregiver into their home?

No matter how difficult it may seem, there comes a time when you will have to talk to your aging parent or loved one about hiring an in-home caregiver. Many people in this situation do their best to avoid the conversation, fearing a loved one will respond with denial and refusal or perhaps worse, combative behaviors. Ignoring the situation because of potential hurt feelings is the worst approach possible, considering health and safety are already at risk for candidates of in-home care. The sooner they can get help taking care of themselves, the less possibility there will be for an
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10 facts and statistics about Alzheimer's

Coping with a loved one who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s is not an easy task, and the caregivers at Freedom Health Care are sensitive to that hardship. Therefore, organizations like the American Health Assistance Foundation, which are dedicated to educating the public, serve as a great resource to Freedom Home Care’s staff. As everyone is able to learn more about the disease, it becomes easier to understand how to care for those who are affected by it. According to the AHAF website, the organization “seeks to eradicate age-related degenerative diseases by: advancing research seeking causes, prevention, treatment, and cures;
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Understanding the advantages of the National Private Duty Association

Making the decision to move forward with home health care is no simple task. Although it is often a collective decision made by a handful of concerned family members, it is still one of the most difficult choices in life. But once the choice is made, the deliberations are far from over. The next step is choosing a caregiver or caregiver organization. Often times, family members feel unqualified to differentiate one home care provider from the next. This is where the National Private Duty Association steps in. Established to help families find trusted and reliable home care providers, the National
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How do I know when my loved one needs help at home? 20 signs to look for

There is nothing more important in this world than our loved ones. But it is inevitable that they – and we – will all grow old. Therefore, making certain that our aging family members are healthy and happy is not just a goal; it is a necessity. At some point in time, friends and family members may begin to show signs that they could benefit from home health care. The difficult part is knowing how to differentiate between the typical signs of aging and when it’s truly time to worry. AgingCare.com, an online community providing advice, information and support when
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Your Mental Health: The Silva Method of Meditation

Twenty years ago, a friend exposed me to the Silva Method, a meditation system that trains those that practice it to take better control of their mental processes.  This way of meditation allows you to calm yourself and remove the interference that comes with day-to-day life.  Following this practice for nearly twenty years has allowed me to feel better mentally and physically, better preparing me to meet life’s challenges in a more positive way. I recommend meditation as a valuable practice for others so that they can experience this same level of mental health.  The actual benefits of meditation are
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More Than Tired: A look at Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

We all experience exhaustion at times in our lives, and usually, a few good nights’ sleep and some self-care can get us back on track.  Occasionally, fatigue becomes chronic and other intervention is in order.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a relatively new condition, having only been recognized by the Centers for Disease Control since 1988. According to the US Department of Health and Services Office on Women’s Health, experts say that one million people currently suffer from the condition, although fewer than 20 percent of these cases have been diagnosed.  Women are four times more likely to have disease,
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Freedom Home Care Welcomes Geriatric Care Coordinator, Louise Kenny

Freedom Home Care is proud to announce our newest geriatric care coordinator, Louise Kenny.  Louise is an Occupational Therapist, as well as a Certified Aging in Place Specialist, who brings more than 35 years of healthcare experience to her new role at Freedom. “My career has focused on supporting people with various challenges to attain and/or maintain their highest level of functioning, whether at home or in a facility,” says Kenny, who joined Freedom this May.  “I consider myself to be an advocate for client autonomy.” Louise will conduct in-depth assessments of clients to determine their strengths and deficits related
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