Freedom Home Care is excited to announce that they are now teaching weekly “Sit and Be Fit” classes at the Glenview Senior Center, located at 2400 Chestnut Ave in Glenview, IL. Freedom Home Care welcomes all to join this fun and energetic, yet easy-to-do class where all activities and movements are done sitting down. The Sit and be Fit program is geared at muscle toning, and is also designed to improve mobility, decrease pain and help control blood pressure. Steven Box, Senior Wellness Center Coordinator at Freedom Home Care and instructor of the Sit and be Fit class explains, “The real premise
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5 Ways for Seniors to Beat the Summer Heat
Summer is the season to be outdoors, visit with friends, and enjoy the sunshine. But the summer heat and sun can also make it dangerous for seniors. Are you being safe enough this summer? Here at Freedom Home Care, we understand how important it is for seniors to be careful on extremely hot days. Our caregivers can help senior clients avoid dangerous situations and stay safe. Ask yourself these 5 questions and see if you are staying safe in the summer heat. Or if you have a loved one who is elderly, see if they are following these 5 safety
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Help Seniors Avoid Medication Mishaps
How many times have you gone to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, nodded to the pharmacist without really listening, then left with the bottle of pills without really knowing the details? Have you ever asked questions or read the accompanying materials? Have you talked thoroughly with your doctor about the medications you are on and what your options are? Now is the time to improve your diligence when it comes to your medication. Here are a few things that you should be doing when picking up your prescriptions: Tell the pharmacist about any medications you are currently taking.
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There’s More to a Healthy Diet than Small Portions
While eating a very restricted and minimal diet with small portions is at times a good rule to follow, sometime seniors need to stray from that path to be at their healthiest. You should encourage the senior in your life to not just eat small amounts, but focus on what they are eating. By not eating enough, we lack the proper nutrients necessary to be healthy. Eating is social. Depression and loneliness can come easily to seniors who feel isolated. Encouraging the seniors you know to enjoy a meal out with their friends every once in a while can be
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Making the Right Decision for Aging Parents
Maybe you think it will never happen to you. You don’t really notice your parents growing older. They may at this point be completely self-sufficient. They are enjoying their retirement years to their fullest, and take care of their health. You may even still think of them as the caregivers of the family. But then, one day, it may happen. Maybe it’s an injury or a sudden illness. Or maybe it’s a long-term health problem that finally became too much. But, whatever the reason, your parents may one day no longer able to care for themselves. Now you’re in a
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5 Reasons Every Senior Should Swim
One of the greatest things about summer is that it opens more opportunities to get outside and stay fit. From walking to tennis to biking, summer is the season to get on the move. Not surprisingly, one of the best ways to get exercise in the warm months is by swimming. This is particularly a great exercise for seniors because it isn’t hard on your body like other workouts. Here are five of the top reasons why you should find a way to get in the pool today and start swimming: 1. Gentle on your joints. Although swimming is a
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Protect Your Skin This Summer
Summer is right around the corner, bringing with it sunshine, warmth, and fun. Unfortunately, those lovely afternoons outdoors can lead to skin damage, particularly for seniors. Keep your skin healthy and strong with these four tips: 1. Eat more fish. Though you may not think of eating healthy foods as a great way to keep your skin healthy and youthful, it can be a secret weapon to fight skin damage. The omega-3’s that are found in fish and some vegetables will keep skin hydrated by managing the oils naturally produced by your skin. It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting
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Small Steps You Can Take Today to Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s
If you’ve watched a parent struggle with dementia, it is natural to wonder if the same path may be in your future. After all, one out of twenty who has a parent with Alzheimer’s eventually gets the condition. But you don’t have to accept that you’ll be one of the 5%. Instead, take these 5 small steps to reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s today. 1. Manage your health. Do you have high blood pressure? Diabetes? High cholesterol? Do everything you can to manage those conditions today to avoid problems in the future. Each one can damage the tiny blood vessels
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Spreading the Word During Stroke Awareness Month
On average, a stroke kills an American every 4 seconds. And with nearly 800,000 people having strokes each year in the U.S., it’s no wonder that the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association want to bring awareness to this condition. Luckily, we can often avoid the worst effects if we catch it early. Awareness is the key. And, with May being Stroke Awareness Month, you can protect yourself and others from the dangers of a stroke by spreading the word. Ways You Can Raise Awareness: Take action. First, learn about your own stroke risk by taking this quiz.
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May is Better Hearing & Speech Month
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month! Did you know? Only 2 out of 10 people get a hearing test. At Hearing Health Center, we believe that getting an annual hearing check-up is as important as getting your blood pressure and cholesterol checked. Everyone 55 and older should have an annual hearing test as part of their overall wellness exam. You don’t hear with your ears, you hear with your brain! This is why Hearing Health Center takes a medical approach to hearing loss by retraining a specific area in the brain. If this area is deprived of sound, it can
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