With Talk About Your Medicines Month (TAYMM) in full swing, there is no better time than now to have a conversation about medications. This year for TAYMM, the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) is highlighting the importance of knowing how different foods and drinks may affect different medicines with the “Think Before You Drink” theme. While this is true with individuals of all ages, it is especially important in older adults, as aging increases sensitivity to alcohol and medications’ effects. According to NCPIE, there are at least 150 medications that will not work effectively when alcohol interacts
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Best Activities for Seniors with Alzheimer’s
As Alzheimer’s disease disrupts memory, impairs their behavior and reasoning, those in senior care near Chicago may stop doing some of the things they once loved. But this diagnosis does not strip one of their needs and desire to have a full, meaningful life. It just means changes may need to be made and new activities taken up that allow self-expression, lessen anxiety, stir memories, promote connection with others and improve quality of life, such as: Read & Relax Books can comfort, entertain, inform and provide an outlet for engagement. Researchers have even found that reading improves the quality of
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Mediterranean Diet For Memory
What’s good for the heart is good for the brain. According to the chief of the division of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard University, JoAnn Manson, “the two are strongly connected.” Manson is referring to findings that say a Mediterranean diet can help prevent age-related cognitive decline. A recent study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal reports that eating meals which include whole grains, fish, vegetables, olive oil, and nuts is an essential part of maintaining brain health. A clinical trial was conducted in Spain comparing the brain health of seniors in their 60s and 70s.
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New Symptom Might Be Early Detection of Dementia
Researchers may have found a new way to detect dementia even before it affects the memory. A study was recently conducted at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota over a 3.5 year period which involved more than 1,400 mentally healthy adults – each about 79 years of age. Each participant was given a test that involved smelling six food-related and six non-food related scents. The results showed that those with the decreasing ability to identify smells over time were more likely to experience Alzheimer’s and other memory problems. During that time, 250 participants experienced mild cognitive impairment, while 64 people out
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Why Protein in Seniors is Important
Whether your mom or dad is receiving senior services in Chicago from Freedom Home Care or you’re providing their care individually, their diet is of utmost importance—especially the amount of protein they are getting. This is because proteins are building blocks that contribute to the successful functioning of the entire body. They are used not only to build and repair tissues, including muscles, tendons, skin, and organs but also to make hormones and enzymes. In addition to helping individuals stay at a healthy weight and absorb key nutrients, proteins also contribute to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, enhanced concentration, higher
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How to Help Parents Who are Frustrated with Technology
There are all kinds of ways technology can help and improve our lives and our parents—from smartphones and tablets with apps that help us keep in touch with family and book a ride, to personal emergency response systems and GPS devices. Even here at Freedom Home Care, one of the leading home care organizations offering senior services throughout Chicago, we use Advanced Home Care Technology to assist caregivers and ensure that the most proactive approach is being taken to care for clients in a timely manner. But while these different forms of technology provide great benefits, they can also cause
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What You Need to Know About Communicating and Working With Alzheimer's Patients
Living with the effects of Alzheimer’s on a daily basis can be challenging for both patients and their caretakers. And communicating with a loved one who has the disease can also take a significant toll on your relationship if you’re not clear on how Alzheimer’s impacts the way your senior relates to others. What many family members may not know about a loved one suffering from the disease is that Alzheimer’s can cause significant damage to the neural pathways in the brain. The brain’s neurons are responsible for sending messages back and forth to different parts of the body. Alzheimer’s interrupts this process, leaving
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Spending Time With Grandchildren Can Keep You Healthy
Not only is being a grandparent good for your health but spending time with the grandkids has been shown to offer numerous health benefits. According to research results published in the scientific journal Evolution and Human Behavior, a study conducted in Germany and Switzerland says grandparenting actually helps people live longer than they would if they didn’t spend time with grandchildren. A group of 500 participants between the ages 70 and 103 were divided into three groups: grandparents with occasional grandparenting duties, those with no duties, and those who weren’t grandparents, but still performed those duties. Ten years later, half of
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Questions You Should Ask Before Hiring a Home Health Care Agency
Deciding on a quality home health care agency is important not only for the safety and well-being of your senior but for your peace-of-mind as well. While it might take some planning and a little bit of research to determine which questions to ask, this information can actually help you find the facility that best meets the needs of your loved one. Freedom Home Care did some digging and found some things that might be helpful to know before hiring a home health care agency. Interview the Organizations Experts suggest interviewing the organizations that you’re interested in to get a better idea of
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National Senior Citizen's Day
In honor of seniors everywhere and the all the ways they bring wisdom, joy and love to our everyday lives, on August 21st, Freedom Home Care will be celebrating National Senior Citizen’s Day. It’s also a time when we acknowledge the many contributions and achievements they’ve made over the years and to raise awareness about their social, health and economic issues. This was a proclamation made by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 who stated that because of the ways seniors impact our lives, they deserve a day to be honored and recognized. Before that, Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security
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