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"Senior Proms" Aren’t Just For Teens

Rent that tuxedo, buy that corsage, and get ready to boogie the night away.  It’s prom season!  And the festivities are no longer exclusively for teens. reports that proms for seniors are becoming popular across the country. With the help of local volunteers, these Senior Proms provide an evening for seniors to mingle with friends, dance to tunes from their youth, and dress in their finest.  The evening usually begins with a cocktail hour – something you won’t find at your average high school prom.  Then the festivities progress to dancing, multi-course dinners, and sometimes even the announcement of the
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Let Thirst Be Your Guide- Avoid Dehydration

As summer is heating up, we become more prone to dehydration.  Although most of us know only the mild dehydration symptoms of headaches and sluggishness, dehydration can become serious quickly, leading to hospitalization or even death.  So how do we avoid dehydration? The easiest way to stay hydrated is to listen to your body.  If you are thirsty, get yourself something to drink. It sounds easy, and it is.  The nerves that signal our thirst are very sensitive, and if our bodies lose even 1% of their water from say sweating on a hot day, they will send a signal
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Internet Helps Caregivers Become Experts

With the elderly living longer and savings depleted by a bad economy, an ever-increasing number of adults are caring for their senior relatives.  Many seniors are being sent home from the hospital in a medically fragile state, needing care.  With unemployment numbers still up, many family’s savings are running dry and cannot cover the cost of a nursing home.  The result is a family member becoming the caregiver of that senior. As the chronic illness progresses, the family caregiver usually becomes an expert on caring for the senior.  Doctors  rely heavily on the caregiver’s input to make medical decisions.  That
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Retirement Can Be Expensive

When saving for retirement, many grossly underestimate the amount they will need for medical expenses.  If a senior is planning on using Medicare throughout retirement, he or she will need to save approximately $220,000 for co-payments, deductibles, and prescriptions.  So, how does one prepare? First, talk to a financial planner.  This planner can help to organize a retirement plan that includes medical bills.  He or she can also suggest the best ways to save, specifically for healthcare costs. Second, begin a health savings account.  People with high-deductible health plans usually begin contributing to these accounts when they are younger and healthier.  The
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Best Time of Your Life

What is the best time of a person’s life?  If you asked ten different people, you would probably get ten different answers.  Maybe someone would say high school or college.  Perhaps some would prefer the newlywed years or parenting their children.  Or maybe the best was being at the top of their career or simply childhood. buy cuban cigars online Well, a study was done for a book titled “Book of Times”.  The researcher studied how we spend our days, how we felt, and how long things lasted.  And she came up with what her research says is the happiest
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Meditation Recommended to Maintain Heart Health

It is easy to become over-stressed.  Relationships, money, even the weather can cause us anxiety.  Unfortunately, prolonged stress can be very damaging to our health. google sniper When we are in that “fight or flight” response, hormones are released to make us more alert and ready for danger.  But that response was only designed for short bursts, not the prolonged stress that we feel in our daily lives.  Extended exposure to these hormones degrades the cells of our body, particularly in our heart and vascular system. Scientists recently researched the relationship of the stress hormone cortisol and health problems in
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Put Your Worries Aside

We all get worried sometimes.  It helps us to anticipate danger and devise plans to avoid it.  However, worrying releases stress hormones.  If we have these hormones coursing through our system for a sustained period, our immune system, heart, and digestive system suffer.  So take action to alleviate these chronic anxieties. Worries come in two forms: worries about things that can be controlled and things that cannot.  To help sort these out, make a list of your most pressing anxieties.  Then underline the items on the list that you can control.  These are your “productive worries”.  For each, come
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The Benefits of Having a Live-In Caregiver

If a senior is having memory or mobility problems, consider hiring a live-in caregiver to assist with activities of daily living.  Having someone helpful with the senior 24-hours a day can put everyone’s minds at ease. The caregiver will help the senior with whatever he or she needs day to day.  Meals are prepared and cleaned up, the senior is accompanied to appointments and social engagements, laundry is done, and errands are run.  The caregiver is usually a nurse or a nursing aide, so he or she is qualified to assist with any physical therapy or exercise and with medications. 
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Senior-Proofing to Prevent a Fall

Falling is a major concern of many seniors.  Taking the time to make the home safe is well worth saving the senior from injury, as well as the cost and time that goes along with it. This process is a bit like childproofing, but you don’t have to put locks on the toilet and refrigerator! Homemade Salsa Recipes First, walk slowly through each room of the senior’s house, evaluating the furniture, lighting, and clutter. Furniture should be checked for sharp corners and curtains should be shortened if they touch the floor. Putting a rug on a slippery floor may seem
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Keep the gas bill low with cost-saving tips

Staying on a budget is important for anyone with limited income. And for seniors living on a pension or on social security, keeping costs down is a major concern. It’s especially apparent during the winter months when gas bills can shoot through the roof. Luckily, there are plenty of methods to keep heating bills to a reasonable level. Thanks to, keeping costs to a minimum doesn’t require a lot of work if the following tips are incorporated into daily living: 1. Learn to love socks. If your feet are cold, your whole body will feel cold, so make a point of
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