In a recent study titled, “Family Caregiving and Transitional Care: A Critical Review,” published by the Family Caregiver Alliance, authors Mary Jo Gibson, Kathleen A. Kelly and Alan K. Kaplan looked at the risks held by the elderly when transitioning to new settings, such as those between the hospital and home. In the study, they focused on the role of family caregivers. The major findings include: Family Caregivers Receive Inadequate Support – Relatively little research has been conducted on how family caregivers perceive their own roles and needs during transitions across settings. However, the evidence that is available indicates they
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Archives for Senior Care
Managing unexpected health-care costs in retirement
Preparing for retirement can be a career-long endeavor, but no matter the level of preparedness, retirees can sometimes be faced with issues that they never could have planned for. Often, those unexpected items fall under the umbrella of health-care costs and needs. For many retirees over the age of 65, Medicare is the primary source of coverage. When supplemental coverage is needed, it can often come in the form of employer plans and individual Medigap policies or HMOs. The recommendations from the Society of Actuaries, however, include other outlets that retirees can look to when faced with unexpected costs. Therefore,
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Let Freedom Home Care help during your next out-patient procedure
No matter a person’s age, surgery can truly take a toll. But for older individuals, recovery can be even more difficult, which is why many out-patient procedures are a good choice for seniors. Because they do not require an overnight stay in a hospital and because they are often more affordable, many seniors are relieved when an out-patient procedure is an option. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the process is simple. Often times, there are pre-procedure plans that must be implemented properly – and independently – by a patient. Travel to and from the appointment can sometimes be a
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Introducing the Homestead at Morton Grove
Earlier this week, we here at Freedom Home Care reported the opening of our new Wellness Center at the Homestead at Morton Grove. We mentioned how the new facility is geared at improving the lives of Freedom Home Care patients as well as those residing at the Homestead. Today, however, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce the Homestead and explain why we chose to work in conjunction with such a reputable organization. As its name indicates, The Homestead at Morton Grove has the ability to make retirees feel just as much at home as they ever did.
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Discovering how around-the-clock peace of mind happens with FHC
There are many reasons that lead a family toward securing in-home care for their aging loved one. Many are to alleviate the fear of a fall, the fear that a loved one will forget to take their medication or the fear that they will lose their independence. Once a caregiver has been selected, however, there are still some lingering worries, such as what happens if a caregiver is unable to work. How will the family know that their loved one has been left alone? How will they make arrangements for a replacement? This is where Freedom Home Care’s quality assurance
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Freedom Home Care offers relief to family caregivers
The responsibility of caring for an aging loved one can weigh heavily on a family member. Often times, these caregivers hold full-time jobs on top of the full-time obligation that comes with providing support to those who can no longer care for themselves. And as many know, this type of situation can produce a large amount of stress. No matter the factors, stress is a powerful force that can wreak havoc on the body and mind if not tended to properly. Although it may sound implausible, taking a break from caregiving is essential to alleviate growing strains on a person’s
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Set expectations up front; get great results for the long run
When the time comes for an aging loved to hire an in-home caregiver, there are often times a handful of concerns to address. Many of those are in regard to whether a good relationship can be forged between the senior and the new caregiver. To set minds at ease, however, there are a few methods to implement to facilitate positive rapport. And it all begins with clarifying expectations. As long as both parties are clear about certain preferences, the possibility for misunderstandings or disputes down the road is greatly reduced. “Start by setting the right tone for the conversation,” explains
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Tips to winterize a home for our aging loved ones
Although fall is just now beginning to show us its true colors, it’s not too early to start thinking about winter weather conditions. And that is especially true when there are aging loved in our lives who are living alone. Living alone during the coldest part of the year can be difficult and even dangerous if the proper preparation isn’t set into motion. According to, normal everyday tasks become harder for seniors living alone when temperatures drop. Likewise, worries about frozen pipes and the expense to keep the house warm can be incredibly stressful. Therefore, it is imperative to
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How to be at ease with a new in-home caregiver
Family members will often take on the added responsibility of taking care of an aging loved so as to not bring a caregiver into the home. Often the burden can be too great, but because of apprehension surrounding potential in-home care candidates, family members feel that they do not have any other choice. essay writing By understanding the demographics of the caregiver community, however, and by knowing the high level of standards placed on Freedom Home Care during the hiring process, we hope to diminish some of those uncertainties. As we here at Freedom Home Care have explained in past
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What is a geriatrician and how do I know if one is needed?
For senior citizens or anyone caring for an older individual, many of the signs of aging can be quite obvious. The ways to deal with those signs, however, might not be as clear. Whether it be depression, incontinence, arthritis or an increase in falls, a common question is whether the long-time family doctor has the necessary experience to provide proper care and advice. At some point in time, a visit to a geriatrician may be a good idea. But what is a geriatrician and how do I know if it’s worth it to add another doctor to the mix? According
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