Archives for Senior Care

Get Screened for Heart Damaging Conditions

Nearly 800,000 Americans die each year from heart disease.  This is nearly 30 percent of all deaths.  And it is estimated that a quarter of these deaths, around 200,000, could have been avoided with proper screening and treatment for preventable causes. Physicians nowadays are aware of the risks associated with certain conditions and how critical it is to get them under control. Here are two conditions that should regularly get screened to keep a healthy heart. High blood pressure.  High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can have many causes and many devastating effects on the body.  The high pressure of
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3 Things That All Seniors Want

What do seniors really want?  That is a question many people are trying to answer.  As baby boomers are becoming older we are seeing a new kind of senior emerging in the population.  Gone are the days of spending all day playing bingo and bridge.  Many seniors want new adventures and actually thrive on having fun.  Here are some of the things that many seniors in the modern times are seeking as they age: Activity.  Seniors, now more than ever, are getting active.  Many are taking advantage of senior exercise classes, but others also regularly practice yoga, take up running,
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Caring for a Senior Can Be a Balancing Act

When caring for an elderly family member, it can be difficult to find a good balance of time.  On one hand, you want to give the family member all of the care that he needs and deserves.  On the other hand, you want to have time to live your own life.  It is a difficult balancing act that is often never discussed.  Here are some ways that you can begin to achieve the beginning of balance. 1. Ask for help from family.  If you are spending much of your time caring for the senior, recruit other family members to help.  Whether
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How to Avoid Senior Depression

Depression is all too common amongst the elderly population.  If a senior’s body is declining and independence is waning, it is no wonder.  However, many doctors take little time to discuss mental health with seniors. The average time a doctor talks with an elderly patient about their mental health is two minutes, and over half of seniors report that the doctors never brought the subject up.  So it is becoming clear that the caregivers must be vigilant and keep an eye out for any signs of serious depression. Here are a few signs that an elderly person may need to
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Listening to Your Elderly Loved Ones

Many people don’t visit their elderly loved ones as often as they’d like.  Maybe it’s just every weekend or a phone call here and there. Adult children at times forget the importance of listening carefully to their elderly loved ones.  When the conversation of their health comes up, sometimes seniors brush it off and avoid the subject. Families need to be cautious of their loved one’s needs and notice if there is a medical issue that is not being properly addressed. Sometimes seniors get confused with their medications and do not always understand what their doctor tells them. Sometimes important
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Surprising Link Found Between Teeth and Dementia

When you skip your six-month dental cleaning, you’re doing more than hurting your teeth.  You may have heard that healthy teeth are related to a healthy heart.  But a new study is showing that unhealthy teeth may also be affecting other areas of your body as well – most importantly, your brain. Research has found a surprising link between individuals with gingivitis and unhealthy teeth and Dementia. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums, most commonly caused by bacterial biofilms, also called plaque.  While gingivitis may not always hurt the teeth, the bacteria may be able to make its way into
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Step Your Way into Heart Health

As we age, heart health becomes more important.  One out of four people will eventually die of heart disease.  So it is important to keep it strong and pumping well. And to do so is easy in theory.  We need to eat right, exercise more, and continue to do those things for the rest of our lives.  We begin well, with having salad for lunch, dutifully pedaling the exercise bicycle, and drinking only water.  But then we begin to slip back into our old habits.  Before we know it, we’re sitting on the couch watching T.V. while eating ice cream! 
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Being a Senior in Youth-Centric America

It’s no secret that the U.S. values youth.  You just have to look at the advertisements.  The women who are pushing anti-wrinkle, anti-gray hair, and anti-aging products are all probably in their early 30’s.  And some are younger. For a long time, seniors were generally seen not to have as much value once they stopped working.  Many were tucked away in nursing homes while the younger generation got on with their busy lives.  Sad and alone, the elderly had only each other to rely on. But being a senior in today’s society is starting to involve more independence and freedom. According
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What Every Senior Should Know About Kitchen Fires

Kitchen fires are dangerous, frightening, and can be very sudden.  A pot that has been left on the stove for too long can shortly become a ball of flame that can spread throughout the home.  Here are five tips to reduce the risk of fires in the senior’s home. Set a timer.  Anyone can be forgetful.  We set some tea to boil, go to water the flowers, and completely forget that we ever turned on the stove. If you set a timer for 5 minutes once you turn on the stove, you will never forget to turn off the burner.
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Technology Helps Seniors Live At Home

A senior living on his or her own can be worrisome to family members.  Will he remember to turn off the stove burner?  Will he think to call 911 if he is feeling short of breath?  What will happen if he falls? Luckily, new technology is being created to alert family and emergency services when the senior needs help.  Here are some new gadgets to help a senior live on his own for longer. Motion sensors.  Motion sensors can be placed on the door, aimed at the sofa, or even on the refrigerator to detect if and how often the senior
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