Years ago, a senior would live at home until she was unable to care for herself or her house became unmanageable. She would then move into a nursing home. Often the senior would miss her home and her independence, but there was not much to be done. But today, seniors have many more options. Many seniors, an estimated 89%, would prefer to remain at home. And with some changes, it is not only a possibility but often a reality. That’s where Freedom Home Care comes in. We offer exceptional services for seniors allowing them to stay safely in their home.
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Archives for Home Care
Dogs Monitor Owners’ Blood Sugar
Dogs have long been used to help the blind, the physical and psychological disabled, the hearing impaired, and even the allergic navigate their surroundings safely. Now, we can add “diabetics” to that list. Service dogs are being trained to detect if their owner’s blood sugar is too high or low. Amazingly, the dogs can perceive this by just smelling the person’s breath. Seniors whose blood sugar levels are erratic and have been given a service dog report that the dog has probably saved their life on at least one occasion. cash advance cash advance This is truly an amazing life-saving
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Caring for Someone with Alzheimers
Nearly one third of the United States adult population has identified themselves as a caregiver. And a large portion of those caregivers are helping someone with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease can be very difficult not only for the senior, but also for the caregiver. As it is a long-term disease, the care can last from two years to easily two decades. During that time, the caregiver often feels overwhelmed and isolated caring for someone with such a complex and difficult condition. Here are some ways to ease some of that anxiety: Educate yourself. The stress of caring for someone with
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Assisted Living May Not Be Right for You
If the time has come that living on your own is getting too difficult, you may be researching various options. A common choice is moving into assisted living, but it isn’t for everyone. Here are some ways to know that assisted living is not for you. You value your independence. Living in an assisted living center can feel like your every move is predetermined. Meals are only served at specific times, you can only take the shuttle to the store on certain days, and even social time is structured. You like having space. Assisted living often has very small living
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Get Your Immune System In Shape
Even though we think of summer as a healthy time of year, germs are still everywhere. Your grandchild who hugs you may have a cold. That grocery store clerk who rang up your veggies may have just gotten over the stomach flu. We never know when we will next become ill. A great way to ensure that your body is ready to fight those germs off is to get your immune system in shape. Here are some ways that you can do just that, according to Eat foods with antioxidants. Antioxidants protect cells from molecules that can be damaging.
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Being a Senior in Youth-Centric America
It’s no secret that the U.S. values youth. You just have to look at the advertisements. The women who are pushing anti-wrinkle, anti-gray hair, and anti-aging products are all probably in their early 30’s. And some are younger. For a long time, seniors were generally seen not to have as much value once they stopped working. Many were tucked away in nursing homes while the younger generation got on with their busy lives. Sad and alone, the elderly had only each other to rely on. But being a senior in today’s society is starting to involve more independence and freedom. According
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What Every Senior Should Know About Kitchen Fires
Kitchen fires are dangerous, frightening, and can be very sudden. A pot that has been left on the stove for too long can shortly become a ball of flame that can spread throughout the home. Here are five tips to reduce the risk of fires in the senior’s home. Set a timer. Anyone can be forgetful. We set some tea to boil, go to water the flowers, and completely forget that we ever turned on the stove. If you set a timer for 5 minutes once you turn on the stove, you will never forget to turn off the burner.
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Simple Senior Home Repairs
Many seniors want to remain at home and maintain their independence. However, if the senior’s home is in need of repair, it can become dangerous. Simple repairs and renovations can be made to better accommodate the senior. Here are some simple home repairs to watch out for: Banisters. Stairs can be very difficult to maneuver for many seniors. Check to see that the banisters are sturdy enough to hold the senior should he or she need to grab it if they lose balance. If the banister is loose, you may need to drill new holes to secure it to the
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Tips for Senior Independence on a Budget
As more seniors retire and live on a lower income, a challenge emerges. The goal is to find a healthy balance between getting adequate care while staying within a budget. As nursing homes and assisted living facilities can be very expensive, many seniors opt instead to stay at home. A few small changes can help to maintain senior independence without breaking the bank. 1. In-home care. Many adult children are unable to help their parents because of their children or work obligations. Finding someone to care for the senior by running errands, cleaning, and being a companion can encourage independence
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Medicare Blue Button Puts Medical Records in the Hands Of Seniors
Imagine that you go to the emergency room because of a fall. When the doctor comes and examines your knee, he notices the scar from a previous surgery. “What was the surgery for?” he asks. You know it had something to do with a ligament, but can’t remember the rest. When he asks about your medical history, you don’t remember the official diagnosis of your heart problem. You also don’t remember the name of the new prescription you are taking. It’s too late to call the other doctors’ offices, and the emergency room can’t do much without the information. Similar
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