Archives for Home Care

Making the Difficult Decision: In-Home Senior Care or Assisted Living?

Making the decision to remain at home or move to a senior care facility is a serious one.  Often, seniors don’t know where to start or what variables might come into play.  They become overwhelmed and choose to push the decision off until it is too late.  An illness, injury, or other emergency then may make the decision for them. Instead of putting it off another day, make today the day when you start to gather all the information and put the pieces together to find what is right for you.  Or, if you are helping a loved one to
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4 Steps to a Safer Senior Home

Whether you recently had a bad fall or just aren’t getting around like you used to, it’s becoming clear that the time has come for a change.  If you are like 85% of seniors, you would prefer if that change didn’t mean having to move to a nursing home.  Perhaps it’s for the sake of your emotional well-being or perhaps it’s for financial reasons, but you wish to continue your senior years in the comfort of your own house. However, your home just won’t work for your current situation anymore.  So the next step is getting the house in shape
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8 Things to Consider when Selecting a Post-Hospital Rehabilitation Provider

Selecting a post-hospital rehabilitation provider is the single most important decision for a successful recovery. However, it  can be an overwhelming process if you don’t know what to look for. Here are 8 of the most important factors you may want to consider and inquire about when rating the various programs or facilities you are considering.       Physical Therapy • Home assessment and modification • Wound Care • Pain Relief Techniques • Updates to equipment Speech Therapy • Communication due to hearing loss • Alternative communication instructions • Communication skills and retraining Occupational Therapy • Nerve and Muscle re-education
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Making the Right Decision for Aging Parents

Maybe you think it will never happen to you. You don’t really notice your parents growing older. They may at this point be completely self-sufficient.  They are enjoying their retirement years to their fullest, and take care of their health.  You may even still think of them as the caregivers of the family. But then, one day, it may happen. Maybe it’s an injury or a sudden illness.  Or maybe it’s a long-term health problem that finally became too much.  But, whatever the reason, your parents may one day no longer able to care for themselves.  Now you’re in a
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Why Seniors Want Home Care

According to a recent study, 87% of seniors would prefer to age in place by remaining at home.  But, why are the number of seniors in nursing homes and hospitals on the rise?  Here are three reasons why seniors today aren’t getting what they want, and what to do about it. 1. Seniors aren’t planning in advance.  An active, healthy man in his 60’s might not think that he needs to worry about the future.  But what he isn’t considering is that it only takes one bad fall to require help for daily activities.  If he begins to think about
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4 Questions to Ask Before Aging in Place

Aging in place has become a popular way for seniors to live today. But is this the right choice for you or your loved one? Here are four questions to ask before making the big decision to remain at home. 1. Am I healthy enough? Seniors who can successfully age in place must be in generally good health. And even then, some modifications might need to be made to the house. It may be as simple as removing rugs and adding grab bars, or as complicated as widening doors and adding wheel chair ramps. You should plan for the added
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Plan to Age In Place

Many seniors today wish to “age in place,” meaning they choose to remain at home instead of living in a nursing home.  And no wonder!  Studies show that seniors at home are often much healthier and happier.  Freedom Home Care offers services for seniors who wish to maintain their independence. Here are some things to consider when deciding to continue living at home: 1. The house.  Often, modifications need to be made to the home to optimize it for the senior.  It may be as simple as moving clutter and taping down rugs, or as involved as moving the master bedroom to the
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Research Finds Seniors Living at Home to be Happiest

What do seniors value most in long-term care?  The quality of a caregiver, comfort of their own home, or something entirely different? That’s what some researchers wanted to know.  So they interviewed many seniors to ask their opinions about the topic. The Scan Foundation recently put together the data to figure out who is happiest and why. This is what they found out. What Seniors Care Most About In Long-Term Care: A Great Caregiver.  One of the most important elements of senior satisfaction was having a good caregiver.  The best caregivers were considered good at what they do, reliable, and trustworthy. 
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Simple Renovations for a Senior’s Home

When a senior lives in their home and wants to maintain independence, sometimes critical renovations go untouched. The home can become dangerous and put them at risk of falling. If you have a parent or loved one unable to make home renovations, make sure these essential updates have been considered. One of the most dangerous places for a senior is the bathroom because it is a confined space with oftentimes wet surfaces or floors. Here are some updates you can do to make the bathroom a safer place for them: 1.  Brighten it up.  Replace any broken light bulbs.  Consider
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Modern Times Give Seniors More Choices

Years ago, a senior would live at home until she was unable to care for herself or her house became unmanageable.  She would then move into a nursing home.  Often the senior would miss her home and her independence, but there was not much to be done. But today, seniors have many more options.  Many seniors, an estimated 89%, would prefer to remain at home.  And with some changes, it is not only a possibility but often a reality. That’s where Freedom Home Care comes in. We offer exceptional services for seniors allowing them to stay safely in their home.
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