Archives for Healthy Living

Tips to Give Yourself a Calming Environment

  The space around us can have a huge impact on mood, concentration, comfort, and safety. For the elderly, particularly those living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, a calming environment can make a huge difference. An environment that creates a state of calm and relaxation can reduce agitation and confusion. The following are three key things to consider when creating a calming environment for yourself or an elderly person you love. 1. Lighting – Since the elderly often struggle with sight, a well-lit room is essential to creating a calming environment. Provide as much natural light as possible, but when that
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Health Benefits of Houseplants

  Are you looking to improve your health and happiness for 2020? Well, you can in so many ways, one simple and fun way to do so is with houseplants. You can add more indoor plants to your home and it can benefit your health. Learn more about this below. • Boost Mood – Humans have a connection to nature and nature calms us, so bringing plants indoors can help boost a person’s mood. Plants indoors also help increase oxygen levels, regulate humidity, and make people feel calmer. All of this can lead to a heightened mood. • Reduce Stress
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Best New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Many people choose to make a New Year’s resolution every year, but they often struggle to see those resolutions through. That is why we have come up with some realistic New Year’s resolutions for seniors so that they can set resolutions that are attainable. • Update Your Legal Documents – Updating wills, power of attorney documents and prenups is something that people often put off. You don’t need them until you need them, and you may not know when that is going to be, so it is easy to put off. It would be a great New Year’s resolution to
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The 6 Benefits of Pumpkin

September 23rd marked the first day of Fall and we are so excited for what this season brings. One thing to look forward to is all the pumpkin flavored options there are! Whether it is in a pie or a latte, pumpkin seems to be everywhere. But did you know there are many physical health benefits to pumpkin? Believe it or not pumpkin can be very beneficial to your diet! Below we have put together a list of all the surprising health benefits pumpkins have. Check it out here from us at Freedom Healthcare.   Leading the way, pumpkin makes
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The Benefits of Reading for Seniors

With National “Read A Book Day” approaching in early September, what better time to learn about the benefits of reading for seniors than now! As a homecare agency, we know just how important it is to maintain your best possible physical and mental health. Find out the benefits of reading from us here at Freedom Home Care!   The first benefit of reading regularly is that it will help enhance memory skills. While reading on a regular basis, it can be very critical to the short-term recall of events that happen each day. Think of it as a mini-workout. Each time
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The Effects of Stress on Physical Health

We all know that unfortunately, stress is a part of everyone’s life. When people experience stress more frequently, it can put a strain not just on your mental health, but your physical health as well.  For seniors, it can be harder on your body because of the physical impacts from stress. We here at Freedom Home Care Highland Park know just how important your health is and have shared some tips to eliminate stress.   The first sign of stress affecting your physical health is developing a sleeping disorder. While this is a pretty common one, being up all night
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Personality Traits That Increase Life Longevity in Seniors

  You might be wondering- what does it take to live a very long and happy life? For as long as we can remember, history has shown that some have lived to an older age and they all share a few things in common. Luckily for you, we at Freedom Home Care have put together a list of personality traits that seniors have in common.   Number one: having a productive and active lifestyle. Not only does an active lifestyle have health benefits, but it is widespread amongst seniors. Staying active for as long as you can is the key
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Heart Healthy Foods That Help Your Cardiac Diet

Following a heart healthy or cardiac diet can benefit everyone- even those who do not have heart disease. Heart healthy foods are foods that have a lot of nutrients and avoid sodium and large quantities of sugar. At Freedom Home Care, we have put together a list of these foods to incorporate into your everyday diet.   When you incorporate these foods into your lifestyle, you are fueling your body with everything it needs to stay as healthy as possible and improve your overall health. These foods can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and will
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How Swimming Can Benefit Your Mental and Physical Health

There’s nothing better than floating in the pool or on a lake on a hot summer day. While it’s great for beating the heat, there are many physical and mental health benefits to swimming. This exercise is fun for people of all ages and healthy too! Find out why at Freedom Home Care.   The first health benefit is that swimming is a whole-body workout. It engages and uses almost every single major muscle group throughout your entire body. It also increases your heart rate without putting stress on the body.   Up next, swimming builds cardiovascular strength. Just as
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The Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

You may remember gardening with your loved ones as a child helping your mother or father in the backyard, or maybe it wasn’t a hobby until you grew up. No matter the age, there are many mental health benefits of gardening. Not only is gardening a fun, rewarding hobby, but it also can have many positive effects. At Freedom Home Care, we have put together a list of the benefits below.   Number one, practicing acceptance. Majority of the suffering one goes through is from things that we cannot control. By being outside in nature, it helps you understand that
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