We often think about avoiding the sun in the summer. We hide inside until it’s cool at dusk. Or if we have to go out, we hide under a hat and smears of sunscreen. But the sun can have some fantastic health benefits too, in small doses. According to care2.com, Here are a few benefits to catching rays in moderation: 1. Creates Vitamin D. Through a complex process, the sun helps our body produce Vitamin D. A pre-cursor vitamin is sent to our skin and when it is hit by sunlight it becomes Vitamin D. This vitamin helps keep many parts of our
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Archives for Healthy Living
Functional Fitness for Seniors
According to seniorjournal.com, many gyms are jumping on a new trend: functional fitness for seniors. Functional fitness focuses on endurance, core strength, flexibility, and balance – all essential for seniors to keep up with their activities of daily living. The fitness centers usually offer these trainer-run programs in the late morning or early afternoon when most others will be working or busy with children. Many older adults enjoy these classes not only for the physical benefits, but also for the social ones. Functional fitness classes are becoming more popular all of the time with seniors wishing to keep independent and mobile. The
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Doctors Improve Colonoscopy Prep
Colonoscopy. When most people hear the word, they think about drinking a terrible tasting liquid and then spending the rest of the evening in the restroom. The preparation for the procedure is most definitely the majority’s least favorite part. However, colonoscopies are a necessary test to ensure our health. It is recommended that everyone receive one around age 50 and then every decade after that. Nearly 50% of people avoid this potentially life-saving procedure. Doctors have realized that many avoid it because of the preparation and are trying to arrive at solutions to make it more tolerable. The best solution
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Becoming a Super-Ager
Could you be a super-ager? A “super-ager” is someone who at 80 has the brain size and memory performance of a 50 year old. They tend to live longer and be healthier. If you see someone still happily at work in her 90’s, it would be a fair guess that they are a super-ager. So, how do we know if we are one of the lucky ones? Neurologists and other scientists are still trying to figure out the “key” to aging well, although genetics are certainly a big indicator. Often those whose parents lived long and healthy lives do the
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Avoiding a Healthcare Crisis
As more baby boomers pass 65, a healthcare crisis is beginning to appear. With medical advancements, seniors today will be living longer than their parents or grandparents. They will also be living sicker for longer. According to surveys, 8 out of 10 seniors have chronic conditions, with half having two or more. According to the CDC, seniors will spend three to five times more money on healthcare than everyone under 65. This will put a heavy burden on seniors and their families. What can seniors do to prepare? Make small changes to improve health. Many of these chronic diseases, such
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Seniors Star in New Video Game
One of the biggest fears of a senior is falling and getting injured. One video game company saw this problem and set out to find a solution. Now the company Blue Marble Game Co. has created a game they are confident will revolutionize fall prevention. The best way to minimize falls is through balance and strength exercise. If the muscles are strong, they will prevent the fall. So Blue Marble created a video game called Zoezi Park that will help the senior exercise specifically aiming at building the muscles to maintain balance. This fun and educational game takes place in a virtual
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Study Finds High Blood Pressure Linked to Cognitive Decline
An estimated 67 million American adults have high blood pressure – that is a third of the adult population! We know that hypertension can cause conditions such as strokes, aneurysms, and kidney damage. But now we can add another condition to the list: decreased cognitive abilities. A recent study found at Huffington Post was done in Australia to determine if there was a relationship between high blood pressure and cognitive abilities. It was found that those with hypertension fared worse with visual processing, recognition, and processing speed. Why do they think this is happening? Our arteries are the blood vessels
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Healthy Living One Day at a Time
Want to lead a healthier life but just don’t know where to begin? Dedicate one day to well-being and see the benefits. A few small changes will make a world of difference. 1. Drink more water. Our bodies need water for many functions and getting enough water is essential. Have an extra glass with lunch to boost your energy for the afternoon. 2. Hug someone. When you hug someone your body releases a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone builds relationships and wards off depression. 3. Meditate. Having a moment to yourself to clear your head can boost your mood and improve memory. Add
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Eating Oranges Boosts Health
Last month we talked about the benefits of eating green. Now here are some advantages of eating orange! Not only are oranges delicious but they also provide many nutrients we need to keep our bodies healthy. We all know that they have high levels of Vitamin C to boost our immunity, but oranges also contain a Vitamin A precursor, calcium, potassium, pectin, citrus limonoids, and fiber. This combination of vitamins and nutrients benefits our bodies in many ways. Eating oranges has been linked to preventing and fighting cancers of the liver, skin, breast, lung, colon, and stomach. Each glass of orange juice
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4 Tips on Getting Better Sleep
Have you had too many nights when you are awake at 3 a.m., staring at your ceiling fan? Well, you’re not alone. Nearly 30% of the population has some form of insomnia. But don’t pop a sleeping pill just yet. Here are some suggestions to help you get a full, restful night of sleep. 1. Catch a catnap. Are you afraid that if you nap during the day you will have a harder time falling asleep that night? Not so, say sleep specialists. Taking a 20-40 minute nap during the day will make you ready for sleep come nighttime. However, a nap longer than 40 minutes will have
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