Archives for Healthy Living

Resolutions All Seniors Should Make

Making healthy resolutions is an important part of the New Year.  We strive to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose those few pounds we gained over the holidays.  But maybe we should try a different approach for 2014.  Instead, try making resolutions to help not just your physical health, but your mental health as well. Resolutions for a Healthy Mind: 1. Get more sleep.  It is recommended that most adults get at least seven hours of sleep a night.  Getting less can lead to increased appetite, anxiety, and memory loss.  Try turning in early and catching some extra zzz’s to stay
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5 Easy Ways To Prevent Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damages the optic nerve leading to vision impairment and can be especially prevalent in seniors.  As people age, the fluid in their eye begins to move more slowly creating increased pressure that can damage the delicate nerves.  Luckily, there are some easy ways to help prevent glaucoma. Get regular eye exams.  Seniors should get an eye exam at least every year if not every six months.  The optometrist will dilate the senior’s eyes to specifically check for glaucoma. Exercise.  High blood pressure can be related to high pressure within the eye.  Exercise is
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Understanding Hypothyroidism

It’s January which means the holidays have come and gone.  It is also a great time to understand hypothyroidism and whether or not medication is right for you. Maybe you enjoyed the culinary delights of Christmas or drank a few extra glasses of champagne at New Years, and now you have gained a few extra pounds.  But the holiday foods may not be to blame.  The extra weight may indicate something much more serious.  It could be a symptom of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism commonly affects senior women, and the symptoms can be so subtle that sufferers ignore them or attribute them
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Healthy Resolutions You Can Stick To

Many of us write down a few New Year Resolutions that we’d like to accomplish, only to find we’ve completely abandoned those ideas mere weeks later. Let’s make this year different. This year will be the year that you will make a couple of small changes to your lifestyle to become a healthier senior. Just pick a couple of items off of this list and watch your health improve throughout the year. 1. Get organized. Are you someone who doesn’t keep track of medical information? Make a change. Get a binder and add all medical, doctor, and medication paperwork to it throughout the year. 2. Get moving. Be
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Keep Your Health in Check for the New Year

Many of us think about bettering our health in the New Year. We should also be aware of those closest to us and encourage them to get healthy as well. Now is the perfect time each year to sit down with the senior and go through any changes in medical history, medications, symptoms, and concerns.  It will ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the senior is getting the best care. Plan ahead when you’re going to speak with him or her.  Ask him to get all of the medical documentation together so that both he and
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Why Seniors Today May Be Sharper than Previous Generations

Are seniors mentally sharper than ever before?  A new study seems to think so. Researchers gave tests to seniors in the 1990’s and then a different group of seniors in the 2000’s.  While the youngest of the seniors generally did better than the oldest, a more interesting discovery was made.  The seniors in the later study did significantly better on the tests than their predecessors. What does this mean?  Researchers aren’t quite sure, but there are some interesting ideas as to why. 1. With longer life expectancy comes more “good” years.  As medical research continues to extend lives, it also extends how long
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Seniors Need More Sleep

If you think that seniors need less sleep than those who are younger, think again.  If you needed nine hours of sleep to feel rested in your thirties, chances are that you need around the same for optimal brain function in your senior years too. But changing sleep patterns can cause seniors to believe they don’t need as much sleep.  As people age, they may not get the same sleepy feelings that they once did around bedtime.  Or perhaps they wake up every few hours.  Though these things normally happen with aging, many mistakenly think it means they need less
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Tips to Help Seniors Stay Warm This Winter

Winter and all of its activities are nearly upon us.  Often, though, these activities are outdoors in the cold and snow, making it difficult for seniors who are sensitive to cold.   Here are some tips to staying warm while participating in the fun of the season: 1. Layer up.  Layer clothes so that you can add or remove articles easily when going in and out.  Consider adding a fleece or sweater under your coat that can be removed if you enter a warm building.  And make sure that your winter coat is in good condition to protect you from the chill
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3 Ways to Recharge Between Holidays

The holidays are a time to celebrate with family, friends, and colleagues.  But if you sometimes feel like you need a break from it all, you’re not alone. According to a new study, more than half of the population needs downtime to recover from stressful social situations.  It doesn’t mean that you don’t like being with your friends and family, but all of the interaction can become exhausting and weigh you down. Finding some quiet time for yourself during the holidays can be tricky, but with a little planning it can be done. Follow these 3 tips: 1. Schedule a break. 
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Are Herbal Supplements Effective?

Many seniors dutifully take vitamins and other supplements to keep themselves healthy and make up for lacking nutrition.  But what exactly are those pills made of?  And are they doing your body any good? Recent studies have identified various herbal supplement ingredients and their effectiveness.  As many people know, the FDA doesn’t regulate many supplements. Because of this, many pills do not need to state exactly what is in their product. It becomes unclear if what they claim is in the supplements is actually accurate. And that’s exactly what the researchers found. Using a system of identifying the supplements’ DNA,
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