One of the biggest fears of a senior is falling and getting injured. One video game company saw this problem and set out to find a solution. Now the company Blue Marble Game Co. has created a game they are confident will revolutionize fall prevention. The best way to minimize falls is through balance and strength exercise. If the muscles are strong, they will prevent the fall. So Blue Marble created a video game called Zoezi Park that will help the senior exercise specifically aiming at building the muscles to maintain balance. This fun and educational game takes place in a virtual
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Archives for Exercise
4 Tips on Getting Better Sleep
Have you had too many nights when you are awake at 3 a.m., staring at your ceiling fan? Well, you’re not alone. Nearly 30% of the population has some form of insomnia. But don’t pop a sleeping pill just yet. Here are some suggestions to help you get a full, restful night of sleep. 1. Catch a catnap. Are you afraid that if you nap during the day you will have a harder time falling asleep that night? Not so, say sleep specialists. Taking a 20-40 minute nap during the day will make you ready for sleep come nighttime. However, a nap longer than 40 minutes will have
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Food for Thought…and Memory
Many seniors are reading and doing crossword puzzles to fight off Alzheimer’s disease. But is it enough? A recent study showed links to healthy behaviors and good memory, no matter the age of the participant. This study, done via telephone survey by UCLA, examined how eating, exercising, and smoking affected memory. The first result was that healthy eating positively affected memory in all age groups. Although it clearly helped the younger participants, it was most dramatic among the seniors in the study. Those older participants who did not eat well were much more likely to report memory loss. Also, although
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The Key to Longevity Revealed
Well, the key to longevity may finally be revealed. A 94 year old man tells an incredibly inspiring story about how he was able to stay active in his old age by simply exercise routinely. It seems none of us have an excuse anymore, at least when it comes to regular exercise. Recent studies have shown that regular exercise has an even bigger impact on longevity than weight does. You read that right. According to the research, someone who maintains an active lifestyle will live years longer than those who do not. And it seems to not matter if you
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Creating a Dog Friendly Garden
Gardening is great exercise in the warm weather, but having a dog may make it more difficult. Make your garden dog-friendly, so that both you and your companion can enjoy the spring weather together. First, plan your garden space. Look for well-worn places in the yard where your dog regularly walks and avoid those areas for your garden. Take your dog’s needs into consideration when thinking of the size of the garden. If your pup is active, a smaller garden may be best to start. If he’s more of a sunbather than a runner, you can probably expand your plot
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Walking for a Sharper Mind
The weather’s getting warmer, the flowers are blooming, and the air is thick with the smell of spring. Do you need another good reason to go for a walk outside today? Well here’s another: research shows that staying physically active keeps us mentally sharp as we age. When we are strolling along, our heart pumps strongly and our blood vessels get essentially flushed with fresh blood. This keeps our circulatory system healthy, but it also has a great effect on your brain. There are many blood vessels in and around the brain, supplying the hungry nerve cells with oxygen and
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Gardening Great Exercise for Summer
As the weather gets warmer and the first flowers begin to bloom, it is an excellent time to consider starting a garden. Everyone can benefit from creating and growing an edible garden. Seniors especially can reap not only the harvest but also valuable health benefits. Planting and maintaining a garden is often considered an enjoyable form of exercise. Tending to the plants requires walking, reaching and bending that will maintain the senior’s flexibility and mobility. Gardening can also encourage endurance and strength, fighting osteoporosis. And being outdoors will reduce stress and increase relaxation, and the sunshine will give a good
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Three steps to “catch yourself” before falling
The Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California is one of the top authorities on falls in the elderly population. The group spends their efforts helping those at risk to avoid falls of any kind. Therefore, they target those who are suffering from muscle weakness, arthritis, a history of falling, depression, difficulty balancing or walking, difficulty thinking or vision problems as well as those who take multiple medications. According to the group’s “Catch Yourself: Simple Steps to Prevent Falls” brochure, the following suggestions should help you or aging loved ones stay on their own two feet:
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Need exercise? Put on your dancing shoes!
For some seniors, certain types of exercise can be just too much. Jogging and high-impact aerobics are too strenuous, and other types of workouts might require special equipment or gym memberships that don’t fit into a tight budget. how to get ex back Therefore, some seniors might want to consider filling up their dance card. It can be a great way to stay fit and healthy. More over, dancing can be a fun way to socialize with others. According to an article published by and written by Maggie McCormick, dancing has plenty of benefits. Here are just a few
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