Seniors are often told that their metabolism is slowing down when the doctor notices they’ve gained some weight or just as they age. But what is metabolism? Why does it slow down with age? How do we speed it back up? We can help you better understand. What is metabolism? When we think of metabolism, we often think about how fast our food is digested in our bodies. But metabolism is much more than that. The definition is, “the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order
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Archives for Exercise
What Makes Seniors Truly Happy?
We all want our friends and family members to be happy, but finding the right way to make a senior smile can be a challenge. So many have asked the questions: What makes seniors happy? What do they really enjoy? And although different people like different things, studies show that there are some similarities across the board. Here are three ways to help your elderly loved one find happiness: 1. Plan Social Time. Many studies indicate that seniors are happier when in the company of others. But that doesn’t mean that every senior wants to be the life of the
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Easy Ways for Seniors to Exercise This Winter
As we get deeper into winter, Mother Nature makes it increasingly difficult to remain active outside. But the good news is, there are still ways for seniors to stay active even when the weather starts to become chilly. We have put together some great ways to stay fit this season. S, grab a sweater, a pair of sneakers, and maybe a friend, and try these ways to get active this winter: 1. Enjoy the scenery. If you’d like to do more than look out the window, consider taking a short and slow walk through a park or forest preserve. Layer your
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Simple Tricks for Seniors to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
Holidays should be a time of togetherness and celebration with family and friends. Unfortunately, all too often the season becomes a time of injury or illness, particularly with seniors. Along with the cold weather come opportunities to catch the flu, fall on the ice, and gain extra weight. Stay healthy this holiday season by following these tips: 1. Avoid illness. Fall and winter are the two times of year that you are most likely to get sick. Why? The lack of moisture in the air allows germs to travel much further than they otherwise would. That means that someone
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3 Reasons to Dance The Night Away
Do you love to dance? Are you a whiz at disco? Are your jazz moves legendary? If so, you’re on your way to some healthy senior years. Everyone knows that physical activity is essential for a healthy life, but it seems that dancing has some added health benefits. Doctors and researchers are finding new reasons every year to get down and boogie. Here are a few specific reasons to tie on your dancin’ shoes. It fights dementia. Studies show that if a senior dances (or, in the case of the study, waltzes) at least twice a week, he is much
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Leading Elderly Parents By Example
No one likes to see their elderly parents with unhealthy habits such as eating too much junk food or smoking cigarettes. Their children most likely worry that those habits will lead to chronic health conditions. However, no one likes to be told to eat better or put down the cigarettes. Oftentimes the discussion between an adult and their elderly parent turns negative and ends in frustration. So how does a child encourage his or her elderly parents pick up healthier habits? The best way is to lead by example. When the parent sees you making simple healthy choices, it may encourage
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Summer Health and Safety Tips for Seniors
Summer is an excellent time to go outside and enjoy the warmth. Yet it can also be an especially dangerous time for seniors. Sometimes it can be especially difficult for a senior to tell if she is getting dehydrated or overheated. Here are some summer health tips for planning time outside but still staying safe: 1. Consider the time. In most areas of the country, it is warmest between 10a.m. and 3p.m. It is also the time when the sun is at its brightest, making it easier to get sunburned. Try avoiding these times by going outside in the early morning
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Functional Fitness for Seniors
According to, many gyms are jumping on a new trend: functional fitness for seniors. Functional fitness focuses on endurance, core strength, flexibility, and balance – all essential for seniors to keep up with their activities of daily living. The fitness centers usually offer these trainer-run programs in the late morning or early afternoon when most others will be working or busy with children. Many older adults enjoy these classes not only for the physical benefits, but also for the social ones. Functional fitness classes are becoming more popular all of the time with seniors wishing to keep independent and mobile. The
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Online Tool Created to Help Manage Dementia
Family caregivers to seniors with dementia often feel overwhelmed. Although memory loss and cognitive problems are most commonly associated with the condition, dementia can often include drastic and disruptive changes in behavior. Sometimes the behavioral symptoms are treated with antipsychotics, but they have severe side effects and often don’t work. These changes can sometimes become too much for the family caregiver and the senior often ends up in a nursing home and heavily medicated. Researchers from the University of Michigan saw this problem and are in the process of finding a solution to help caregivers manage dementia. They are creating an
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Avoiding a Healthcare Crisis
As more baby boomers pass 65, a healthcare crisis is beginning to appear. With medical advancements, seniors today will be living longer than their parents or grandparents. They will also be living sicker for longer. According to surveys, 8 out of 10 seniors have chronic conditions, with half having two or more. According to the CDC, seniors will spend three to five times more money on healthcare than everyone under 65. This will put a heavy burden on seniors and their families. What can seniors do to prepare? Make small changes to improve health. Many of these chronic diseases, such
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