People always joke that they are “too old” for certain things. The truth is, you are never too old, and it is never too late to have fun and meaningful activities and life accomplishments. Read on to learn more about older people doing great things. Being a Model at 80 Years Old – Wang Deshun was in a high-profile fashion show at the age of 80. He walked the catwalk and showed you are never too old for a fashion show. Graduating in Your 90’s – Many older people are showing that it is never too late to go
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Archives for Exercise
Armchair Exercises
Exercise is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Exercise is very important for everyone, even elderly people. However, as you get older, exercise can seem more overwhelming. There are some easy and beneficial exercises for the elderly that only require you to have an armchair. Learn more about these exercises below. According to Very Well Fit, “For senior citizens who’ve lost a step or two in their later years, or who are battling the effects of chronic pain or disability due to injury or health condition, there are accessible exercise options that can improve strength, cardiovascular health, mobility, and balance,
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How to Reduce Joint Pain in the Colder Months
With the temperatures starting to lower, it’s not uncommon to hear complaints about increased joint pain. It is believed that there’s a common factor between the changing temperatures and precipitation levels, and the pain they experience within their bodies. According to a study, 2/3 of people interviewed about chronic pain said that they experienced most of their pain in the colder seasons. Most people said that they could tell when the weather was about to change because they felt pain in the days prior. Below, are some ways to prevent some of the chronic pain you may experience. Dress in
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55 to 70 Year Old Women and Men With Prediabetes Get Stronger Bones With Football Training
Engaging in a friendly game of football at the age of 60 or 70 years old would be unthinkable to most. But when a group of seniors, ages 55 to 70, underwent 16 weeks of football training – combined with a healthy diet, they reportedly experienced a noticeable increase in heart and bone health. In a study conducted by researchers at the University of Denmark and the University of Faroe Islands, “untrained middle-aged and elderly people with prediabetes” showed results of increased protein hormone and bone serum levels by 23 percent in the femoral neck and 52 percent in the
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See How Swimming Benefits Your Health
Swimming is great exercise. In fact, it’s like an aerobic workout that everyone, including seniors, can do without damage to the joints. It exercises the entire body and cardio system, while burning about the same number of calories that you would by running. While many of us may know that swimming is a good way to workout, we may not necessarily realize just how beneficial it can be for older adults. Those of us here at Freedom Home Care decided to look up some of the advantages of swimming and provide a list of what we found below. Swimming Affects
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Pioneering Exercise Program and Its Benefits
Scientists are constantly looking for ways to help enhance the lives of our nation’s elderly population. This is essential, as the number of seniors age 65 and older has reached more than 50 million as of 2016 and is on track to increase by as much as 30 million in the next three decades, according to And one of the ways researchers are doing this is by developing a ground-breaking program that fosters physical and cognitive growth in older loved ones, while catering to the capabilities of the person as an individual. UPV/EHU Ageing-On research group’s program focuses on
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Senior Activity: Nature Walk
Being outdoors is therapeutic for human beings at any age. It’s also been shown to be a major positive contributor to the mental, physical and emotional health of seniors. Researchers say that spending time in nature has restorative effects in many ways. Being outdoors has the power to facilitate better moods, decrease depression, improve cognitive function and lower stress levels. The more time your loved one spends in nature, the greater the effects. For those seniors who receive Chicago in-home care or personalized elder care, nature’s advantages are not just limited to being outdoors. Studies show that simply gazing out
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Why Staying Social is Important for Seniors
They say with age comes wisdom, but what they don’t tell you is that there will also be a whole new set of challenges to face in the later years of being an adult.
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Improve Brain Fitness
Over our lifetime, the human brain has the capacity to grow. This is no different when we get older. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to grow, change and adapt. The brain can do amazing things like responding to mental and physical activities, alter itself in response to damage and be influenced by the things that we do. With exercise, it grows stronger, similar to how a muscle grows from working out. Scientists also say that what we do affects the way it works. Fortunately, this is good news as researchers try to come up with ways to improve brain health,
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National Senior Citizen Fitness Day – May 31st
On May 31st more than 100,000 seniors will become part of one of the nation’s largest annual health promotion events for the elderly – National Senior Health & Fitness Day. With a goal of encouraging seniors to stay health and in shape, older loved ones all over the country will be descending upon more than 1,000 locations in celebration of the 24th annual senior fitness event. A public-private partnership coordinated by the Mature Market Resource Center, National Senior Health & Fitness Day, is hosted by local organizations advocating the health and fitness of older adults. By purchasing a registration packet, any group
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