Posts by Freedom Home Care

Learning about Freedom Home Care’s New Baby Program

The joys of parenthood: They are the indescribable feelings a mother gets when she first cradles her baby in her arms. They are the feelings that swell up in a father’s chest when he first eyes those little hands and those little toes. They are the moments that will last a lifetime in the proud parents’ minds. Having a baby comes with many unexpected gifts, but as so many know, having a baby comes with many hurdles, as well: Sleepless nights. A lack of confidence when trying to quiet a crying baby. Nervous concern at the slightest sneeze or the
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Thursday Trivia – Maintaining a healthy heart

According to, a government Web site full of information and tools to help Americans stay healthy, individuals should have their blood pressure checked on a regular basis. Question: So how often should I have my blood pressure checked? Answer: Especially for those over the age of 40, individuals should check their blood pressure at least once every two years. “By taking steps to lower your blood pressure, you can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure,” explained the editors at “Lowering your blood pressure can also help you live a longer, healthier life.” To get advice on what
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Chicago’s MOPD asks, “Can you hear us now?”

With the goal of keeping Illinois residents connected, the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities has made free amplified phone, teletypewriters (TTYs) and CapTel devices available to qualified individuals through the Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation. With no age or income restrictions, we here at Freedom Home Care believe that it is a service that many of our clients could benefit from. The only criteria required to qualify for the program are as follows: Being a legal resident of Illinois Filling out the program application (available at MOPD’s two locations) Having standard phone service in residence (land-line) Having a difficult time
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Spreading awareness about glaucoma

According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, approximately 2.7 million Americans have glaucoma and more are being diagnosed every day. By 2030, the number may rise to as high as 4.2 million. And the condition is by no means exclusive to those in the United States. Worldwide, there are currently 60 million individuals afflicted with the condition. “Experts estimate that half of them don’t know they have it,” reports the GRF. “Combined with our aging population, we can see an epidemic of blindness looming if we don’t raise awareness about the importance of regular eye examinations to preserve vision. The World
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Discovering the importance of doing what makes you happy

Transitioning into retired life has proven to be quite difficult for many individuals who have spent their lives working in sometimes decade-long careers. Finding something to fill the days can be a challenge. But it can also be a blessing. AARP’s Your Life Calling, hosted by Jane Pauley, shares success stories of those who have embraced retired life and found a new calling. The show has also delivered accounts of individuals who have chosen to make a complete 180 for the sake of their own personal fulfillment. And it is their revelations that have served as inspiration for many once
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Avoiding preventable hospital readmissions

According to data provided by Medicare, nearly one in five patients who leave the hospital are readmitted within the next month. Additionally, it was revealed that 75 percent of readmissions are preventable. To try and avoid preventable readmissions, Medicare produced a checklist that patients can rely on when they are preparing to end their hospital stay. Therefore, it’s important to keep these items in mind during discharge: 1. Ask where you will get care after discharge. Do you have options (like home health care)? Be sure you tell the staff what you prefer. 2. If a caregiver will be helping
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Important information for taking generic pills

Many Americans take more than one daily prescription and when doing so, they often rely on the color of the pills to know that they are sticking to their medication schedules. It can be as easy as knowing that every morning they must take one blue pill and one white pill, for example. When switching to generic drugs, however, using a color-coded rule of thumb isn’t always that easy. And that’s because often times, generic drugs are a different color than their brand-name counterparts. According to an article published by, a media outlet covering the Raleigh, Durham and Fayetteville
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Elderly Americans considered winners in fiscal cliff deal

In the 11th hour, Republicans and Democrats found common ground, keeping the U.S. economy from tumbling over the fiscal cliff. That doesn’t mean, however, that everyone is happy about the outcome. Many consider the deal a losing battle, although, according to the Huffington Post, America’s elderly aren’t part of that contingency. They can be considered among the winners of the fiscal cliff deal, which also includes rich individuals, the unemployed and doctors. “As recently as yesterday morning, it was taken for granted that one of the major provisions of an alternative to the fiscal cliff would be cuts in the
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Understanding the role of elder mediators

“As society ages, it’s become more common for adult children to provide assistance to their elderly parents,” explained the editor of a Chicago Tribune article. “But making sure that everyone, including the parent, agrees on a care plan can often be a challenge. A new type of go-between, known as an elder mediator, can guide squabbling siblings and elderly parents to solutions before conflicts tear a family apart.” It’s not uncommon for tension to rise as parents or other aging loved ones show signs of needing help. It’s also not rare for family members to be at odds for how
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How to ease sibling tension when dealing with aging parents

In the following video titled, “What To Do When You Fight With Your Siblings Over Your Aging Parents,” Dr. Mikol Davis from provides professional legal and health care information to families in need. In addition to discussing the potential for conflict between siblings and family members dealing with their aging parent’s possessions, he suggests solutions to find resolution.
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