Posts by Freedom Home Care

10 supplements to consider to improve eye health

Last month, the folks here at Freedom Home Care dedicated a few blogs to macular degeneration, a vision condition that affects more than 15 million Americans. We explained what the condition entails and methods to slow its progress and we offered a video that helps sufferers measure the degree of severity that they’re experiencing. To continue on the theme of healthy vision, we tracked down 10 effective nutritional supplements that have the potential to improve eyesight. The following list comes from the editors at 1. Vitamin A: Vitamin A is required in large doses to ensure proper functioning of the
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10 great reasons to put on the teakettle

Not too long ago, the folks here at Freedom Home Care read a blog about some of the benefits of drinking coffee. For some odd reason, coffee seems to be a guilty pleasure, so it was great to hear about all of its heart-friendly attributes. Tea, on the other hand, has always been touted as the more sophisticated drink of choice. Perhaps it’s the way the Brits delicately drink it with their pinky finger pointing out or perhaps it has something to do with its ancient roots. Either way, we thought that we would dedicate a few blogs to what
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Celebrating the seniors in our lives

The reason that we here at Freedom Home Care started blogging was to help the seniors in our lives live comfortably and happy. Our goal was always to offer any advice that we could to help make healthy living a possibility. From time to time, we also try to highlight the successful seniors in this world who are doing stupendous things. We’ve written about all sorts of famous seniors citizens from 70-year-old Olympians to Academy Award winning actors. What we realized, however, is that we don’t get to spend enough time celebrating the elderly loved ones in all our lives.
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Need exercise? Put on your dancing shoes!

For some seniors, certain types of exercise can be just too much. Jogging and high-impact aerobics are too strenuous, and other types of workouts might require special equipment or gym memberships that don’t fit into a tight budget. how to get ex back Therefore, some seniors might want to consider filling up their dance card. It can be a great way to stay fit and healthy. More over, dancing can be a fun way to socialize with others. According to an article published by and written by Maggie McCormick, dancing has plenty of benefits. Here are just a few
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Four elements to how Obama plans to handle Medicare

Since the State of the Union Address last month, there has been a lot of anticipation held by members of both political parties. Republicans and Democrats have been awaiting details as to how the President plans to reform health care in America. According to a recent article published on the CNN Money website, here are a few ways in which he plans to make change: 1. Pay less for drugs: Increase the rebates the government receives for Medicare beneficiaries' medications so they are the same as the rebates given under the Medicaid program. This would save $140 billion. 2. Reduce payments
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For chronic back pain, maybe it’s time to turn up the heat

Chronic back pain is a common complaint for so many people – and it’s anything but rare for older individuals. Decades of long days and hard work can take their toll. In addition to talking to a physician, there thankfully are plenty of methods to alleviate the pain involved. One of the easiest and most affordable is heat therapy. Something like a heating pad can go a long way when it comes to providing relief. how to learn french online There are lots of different ways of applying heat to the lower back. According to the back experts at,
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Study shows benefits of brisk walks for stroke survivors

This Sunday at 2:00 a.m., American will set their clocks forward, serving as a reminder that spring is on its way. And with warmer weather right around the corner, taking in the outdoors will be so much easier. According to a recent study, taking brisk walks can be incredibly beneficial for those who have suffered from a stroke. It can “improve their physical fitness, enjoy a better quality of life, and increase their mobility,” say the editors of The study was carried out in Jamaica at the University of the West Indies. More than 120 stroke survivors participated with
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Alzheimer’s reported as ‘fastest-growing’ U.S. health threat

Over the course of the week, headlines emerged announcing that Alzheimer’s disease is now considered the fastest-growing health threat in the United States. The news is in response to a report that was recently released by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in collaboration with the University of Washington. “Groups like the Alzheimer’s Association have been warning that the U.S. will have to cope with a tsunami of Alzheimer’s disease as the population ages,” explained the editors of an article published on the NBC News website. “A report last month projected that the number of patients with this untreatable
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Plan out healthy snacking to avoid potato chip splurges

The ease that comes with popping open a bag of potato chips can almost be considered evil. As the cliché goes, no one can eat just one. To avoid those moments when cravings emerge, it’s important to plan out healthy snacking in advance. By watching the following video, posted on the official AARP YouTube channel, viewers get 10 great snacking ideas – five sweet and five savory. So check it out, make a grocery list and feel better throughout the day with smart food choices. dieti natura code promo zp8497586rq
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16 initiatives that define the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs was established as long ago as 1636 when the early Americans were warring with the local Pequot Indians. The goal was to support disabled soldiers and show respect for the duty they had provided. Since that time, the United States has developed the world’s most comprehensive system of assistance for veterans. erectile dysfunction cures In 2009, President Obama spearheaded a transformation of the VA, enacting three guiding principles to allow the agency to be people-centric, results-driven and forward-looking. Along with those principles, 16 initiatives were put in place, including: Eliminating Veteran homelessness Enabling 21st
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