Posts by Freedom Home Care

Proin fermentum ut massa at

Proin lobortis tempus odio eget venenatis. Proin fermentum ut massa at bibendum. Proin bibendum non est quis egestas. Pellentesque at enim id enim tempus placerat. Etiam tempus gravida leo, et gravida justo bibendum non. Suspendisse vitae fermentum sapien.ed ac libero eget dolor consequat semper ac quis augue. WordPress tv
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Curabitur lobortis risus at

Proin lobortis tempus odio eget venenatis. Proin fermentum ut massa at bibendum. Proin bibendum non est quis egestas. Pellentesque at enim id enim tempus placerat. Etiam tempus gravida leo, et gravida justo bibendum non. Suspendisse vitae fermentum sapien.ed ac libero eget dolor consequat semper ac quis augue. [dt_sc_blockquote type=”type2″ align=”right”]Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Quis ante. Aeleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla
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Heart Rate Predicts risk

Proin lobortis tempus odio eget venenatis. Proin fermentum ut massa at bibendum. Proin bibendum non est quis egestas. Pellentesque at enim id enim tempus placerat. Etiam tempus gravida leo, et gravida justo bibendum non. Suspendisse vitae fermentum sapien.ed ac libero eget dolor consequat semper ac quis augue. [dt_sc_blockquote type=”type2″ align=”right”]Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Quis ante. Aeleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla
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4 Alzheimer’s Myths Debunked

With Alzheimer’s disease affecting so many families, there is a great deal of information circulating about it.  There is also a great deal of misinformation.  It’s time to debunk some of these Alzheimer’s myths. 1. Myth: We know the cause of Alzheimer’s disease.  Although doctors have made huge strides in finding specifics of the condition, they have yet to find a definitive cause that links all of the cases. 2. Myth: Alzheimer’s disease is genetic.  Although we know that people with family members who have Alzheimer’s have a higher chance of being affected by the disease, it isn’t a sure thing.  It’s
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6 Tips for a Healthy Brain

With one in eight older Americans affected by Alzheimer’s disease, doctors are working harder than ever to find a cure.  But with none yet in sight, we must for the time being concentrate on prevention. Luckily, there has been a large amount of research done on prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.  Researchers have arrived at six pillars to keep your brain healthy and reduce the risk of dementia. Get regular exercise.  Not only does exercise reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by fifty percent, it also slows the progression in those who are already affected.  Those are two good reasons
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Long Term Care Planning for You and Your Family

Interview with Brian Gordon, President, CLTC, MAGA, Ltd. What sets Freedom Home Care apart from other care giving services in the North Shore? First and foremost, they have great reputation in the area. On top of that, they can help clients facilitate the paperwork that goes along with long term care insurance, whereas a lot of agencies out there are not up to speed with that process. An agency like Freedom Home Care knows how to submit the claim forms and appropriate documentation, which really helps eliminate those headaches for the children of those receiving care services. That stands out
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Home Remedies Backed By Science

Have you ever thought of putting a banana peel on an itchy bug bite? Probably not. Well there are some strange home remedies that have surprisingly been proven to work! If you have a minor injury, but can’t get to the store for medicine, you may want to rethink some of these unique home remedies! Believe it or not, there are actual studies to prove that these remedies actually work. Here are some of the home remedies that sound strange, but actually work: 1. Have an itchy bug bite?  Find a banana peel.  Holding the inside of the banana peel against
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5 Super Foods to Fight Osteoporosis

As we age, bone health becomes increasingly important.  Exercise is a great way to keep our bones healthy, but we can also include some bone-strengthening foods to our diet. Here are some foods that will help keep your bones strong. 1. Yogurt.  Bones need lots of calcium and yogurt has plenty.  It is also fortified with vitamin D, an important nutrient that will help calcium to be absorbed.  If you can, avoid Greek yogurt, as it tends to contain less calcium and vitamin D than other varieties. 2. Eggs.  Although eggs contain less vitamin D than dairy sources, they are a quick
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Fall is Best Time to Prevent Falls

As the season of fall takes full effect, let’s think about another kind of fall.  The kind we want to prevent; the kind that can cause injuries to seniors. Falling does not only cause physical harm but can be very expensive as doctor bills begin to arrive.  Seniors want to stay as safe as possible, doing what they can to prevent slips and falls.  But some of the suggestions people make to seniors to help prevent falls is simply not true.  Here are two things that, despite the hype, do NOT prevent falls. 1. Supplements.  Seniors are sometimes told to take
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The Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure

Seniors with high blood pressure are often told by their physician that exercise is a great way to manage it.  But, what is the best exercise?  Should it be something that gets the blood pumping, or should it be something that calms the circulatory system, like yoga? On top of that, once a person reaches a certain age, physical activities become more difficult or simply impossible. Here are some solutions to get you exercising and lowering your blood pressure, but without overexerting yourself: 1. Aerobic Exercise.  One of the most dangerous parts of having high blood pressure is the chance of
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