Women's Eye Health & Safety Month: Tips for Your Eye Health

It’s likely that many people will experience vision problems with age.  By 70, the risk of low vision or serious eye conditions in women significantly increases.
In fact, in the next two years, there will be more women living with glaucoma than men. According to modernmedicine.com the number of Americans diagnosed with the disease will jump from 60 to 80 million by 2020 – with women outnumbering and out-living men.
Fortunately, many of the changes we experience in eyesight are the result of the normal aging process.
But while a slight decline in vision in expected to happen over time, there are some changes – like glaucoma – that are not so common in seniors.
That’s why it’s important for older women to be able to identify the warning signs associated with more serious conditions such as vision loss or impairment.
Annual eye exams are essential to maintaining optimal eye health. Knowing what to look for ahead of time can help avoid eye-threatening conditions and potentially save your senior’s vision.
The following are a list of symptoms Freedom Home Care found that could indicate more problematic conditions. If a woman you know notices any of these signs, it’s best to contact an eye doctor immediately.
Cataracts are one of the major causes of vision loss in the U.S. It occurs as a cloudy or opaque area on the lens of the eye. Symptoms may include blurry, hazy vision and sensitivity to glare.
Studies have shown that women are at greater risk for narrow-angle glaucoma – a sudden build up of fluid behind the iris.
The danger is that many people don’t experience symptoms in the beginning and without intervention, narrow-angle glaucoma can lead to blindness.
Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the retina. It shows up as spots or floaters, blurred vision, and dark empty spots in the center of vision. Diabetic retinopathy is most common in people who have diabetes and without treatment can cause blindness.
Dry Eye occurs when a person can’t make enough tears or produces tears of low quality. They usually experience gritty, burning or irritated eyes. Left unchecked, the condition can damage the front surface of the eye and have other long-term effects.
There are a number of things that your senior can do to help prevent or improve eye health. We listed a few below.
Not only does a routine fitness regimine promote healthy blood circulation and oxygen intake, it also helps regulate weight, lowering the risk of diseases like diabetes and hypertension.
Our eyes contain a lubricate to help get rid of the dust and allergens that may have built up during the day. This happens while we sleep. A good night’s rest is also important to help recondition the eyes and promote optimal visual health.
Yearly exams are an important part of preventative care that will ensure that the woman in your life enjoys peak eye health for years to come.
If you need professional home care agency services for your loved one, contact Freedom Home Care today.