Freedom Home Care is excited to announce that they are now teaching weekly “Sit and Be Fit” classes at the Glenview Senior Center, located at 2400 Chestnut Ave in Glenview, IL.
Freedom Home Care welcomes all to join this fun and energetic, yet easy-to-do class where all activities and movements are done sitting down. The Sit and be Fit program is geared at muscle toning, and is also designed to improve mobility, decrease pain and help control blood pressure.
Steven Box, Senior Wellness Center Coordinator at Freedom Home Care and instructor of the Sit and be Fit class explains, “The real premise behind the class is to prevent falls and improve balance. It’s a learning tool, even for seniors, to teach a new appreciation for everyone with different mobility issues. The different types of exercises we do each week focus on different areas of the body, like maintaining a healthy back, proper breathing, flexibility, peripheral vision, hand-eye coordination, finger, hand and foot dexterity, building a strong core, and so on– and they are all designed to help seniors achieve better mobility. It’s a stretching, toning and strengthening program for seniors of all mobility levels.”
Join us for the next session of Sit and be Fit! Work your entire body with a gentle series of arm swings, leg lifts, and finger flexibility exercises. This class is a great way to build toward more rigorous exercise.
“I would definitely recommend this class. When I joined the class a year ago, it consisted of 14 members. It has since increased to 26 members, thanks to Steven and Freedom Home Care. Participants like myself have been so pleased with the class, that a request was made to the Park District to add a summer session, which they agreed to do. We are extremely grateful,” Said Bobbie Kramer, Sit and Be Fit class participant from Skokie, IL.
Summer classes are currently in session every Wednesday through August 13th, 2014. Please call Glenview Senior Center to check on openings for the summer session, at (847) 724-4793.
Fall classes will take place Wednesday mornings starting September 3rd through November 12th 2014 from 9:00 – 9:45 AM in Room 101. Cost is $20.00 per session, please reference session #111559 A when registering. To register, call Glenview Senior Center at (847) 724-4793.
The Glenview Senior Center is attached to the North Shore Health System building. The center features a card and billiard room, meeting spaces and a craft room. There are great views of the park and lake that seniors can enjoy. Seniors also have a kitchen area where they can create meals or snacks. Operated by the Glenview Park District, the center has approximately 1,700 members and operates Monday through Friday, as well as some weekends. Call (847) 724-4793 for more information.