We always hear from doctors and loved ones that we should eat healthy. Eating healthy can help a person avoid sickness and major health problems, and recent evidence suggests that eating healthy can also lower risks of Alzheimer’s. Learn more about this below.
Eating your fruits and veggies is not just for improved physical health, but healthy eating can also help your cognitive health because it can lower your risk of getting Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia, which means it involves memory loss and cognitive struggles. This type of health issue gets worse over time so that the person may have a hard time with daily life and performing daily tasks on their own, but the way you eat could help you avoid some of the risks of Alzheimer’s.
According to the New York Times, “Flavonols, a large class of compounds found in most fruits and vegetables, may be associated with a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Flavonols are known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and animal studies have suggested they may improve memory and learning.”
If eating healthy can help improve memory and reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s, what kinds of things should you be eating? Check it out below.
The Bright Focus Foundation tells us, “More recently, the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay Diet, known popularly as the MIND Diet, has been shown to slow down cognitive decline. The MIND Diet takes elements of MD and DASH and recommends a dietary focus on the “good” foods such as whole grains, green leafy and other vegetables, berries, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and olive oil while minimizing intake of “bad” foods such as red meats, butter, margarine, cheese, fast foods, and sweets.”
Eating fruits and vegetables like dark leafy greens, beans, berries, and more can help your cognitive health. This could mean adding some more salads to your everyday eating, or adding some fresh fruits and vegetables for a snack. You can add in this fresh produce to what you are already eating to make your eating habits even better.
At Freedom Home Care, we take your health seriously. Whether it is helping people with healthy habits during our in-home care services, or helping with general medical care, we are here for you and those you love. We also provide professional Alzheimer’s care with our specially trained staff. Reach out to us to see what we can do for you or someone you love.